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Medjugorje Website Updates

23 juny de 2003 , Last update 3 setembre de 2007

This gallery folder contains hundreds of Medjugorje photos. The folder is organized by albums with photos from Medjugorje and closest surrounding area, which is interested for pilgrims. Also there are pictures taken during various occasions such as Christmas and New Years Eve, Easter, International Festival of Youth in Summer, Solemnity of Holy Cross on Krizevac Mountain, Anniversary of apparitions.

8 juny de 2006 , Last update 2 setembre de 2007 /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Prayers / Author: Marek Gayer
Praying the Holy Rosary at 18'o clock

Source: www.medjugorje.ws

In Medjugorje, every day the Rosary prayer is being prayed in the St. James Church or before the Church - at the exterior altar (starting from 17 in summertime or 18'o clock of Central European Time in wintertime), with most parts recited in Croatian language. One may wish to pray the Rosary prayer in this "native language of Gospa" for various reasons. It could e.g. help when our thoughts fly and it's hard to concentrate for prayer or we miss company in prayer or Medjugorje in general. One may also listen to recited Croatian components by the priests and pray the rest in the native language.

1 setembre de 2007 , Originally published 2 juliol de 2005 /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Testimonies
Other languages: English, Čeština, Deutsch, Hrvatski, Italiano
Crown Stars Our Lady Lourdes Statue James Church

Testimony by Angel Maria Garcia Alvarez, architect designer

Angel Maria Garcia Alvarez (from Madrid, Spain), architect designer of the new crown offered to St. James’ in Medjugorje at the occasion of the 24th anniversary of the apparitions (also designer of the magnificent Magna Monstrance offered to the Shrine in 2001) gave a testimony about how this project came about and how it was realised. The crown was blessed and the statue was officially crowned by Fr. Branko Radoš, pastor of Medjugorje, after the solemn evening Mass on June 25, 2005, the day of the 24th anniversary of Our Lady’s apparitions in Medjugorje, in the presence of two bishops: Mons. Geevarghese Mar Divannasios Ottathengil, catholic syro-malankara bishop of the diocese Bathery, Kerala (India), and Mons. Jerome Gapangwa Nteziryayo, retired bishop of Uvira (Congo).

25 agost de 2007 /  Section: Our Lady of Medjugorje Messages - Category: Monthly Messages
Estimats fills, avui també us invito a la conversió. Fillets, que la vostra vida reflecteixi la bondat de Déu i no l’odi i la infidelitat. Pregueu, fillets, a fi que, per a vosaltres, la pregària arribi a ser vida. Així descobrireu en la vostra vida, la pau i la joia que Déu dóna als qui tenen el cor obert al seu Amor. I vosaltres, els qui esteu lluny de la misericòrdia de Déu, convertiu-vos, perquè Déu no esdevingui sord a les vostres pregàries i no sigui tard per a vosaltres. Per això, en aquest temps de gràcia, convertiu-vos i poseu Déu al primer lloc en la vostra vida. Gràcies per haver respost a la meva crida.
7 agost de 2007 /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Medjugorje News, Festival Mladifest
Other languages: English, Čeština, Deutsch, Hrvatski, Italiano
Festival 2007

From August 1 to 6 took place in Medjugorje the 18th International Youth Prayer Meeting under the title, “Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another” (Jn 13:34).

A day or two before the beginning, a multitude of youngsters was coming to Medjugorje. Many wanted to climb the Apparition Hill and Cross Mountain and pray there before the beginning of the Festival.

2 agost de 2007 /  Section: Our Lady of Medjugorje Messages - Category: Mirjana
Avui miro els vostres cors, mirant-los, el meu cor s’encongeix de dolor. Fillets meus, us demano amor incondicional i pur vers Déu. Sabreu que esteu en el bon camí quan amb el cos estareu a la terra però amb l’ànima sempre en Déu. A través d’aquest amor incondicional i pur veureu el meu Fill en cada home, sentireu la unió en Déu. Jo, com a mare, seré feliç perquè tindré els vostres cors sants i units, estimats fills, tindré la vostra salvació. Gràcies!
En acabar la Mirjana ha dit: “Al començament de l’aparició la Mare de Déu m’ha fet veure què ens espera si en els nostres cors no hi ha santedat i unió fraterna en Crist. No ha estat gens bonic. Després, ens ha exhortat a pregar pels nostres pastors perquè, ha dit, que sense ells no hi ha unitat.”
1 agost de 2007 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Medjugorje Apparitions
Apparition Mirjana April 2005

Apparition of Our Lady, Queen of Peace at Comunity Cenacolo at Medjugorje, April 2, 2005

The Morning of the Death of "John Paul The Great"

27 juliol de 2007 /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Medjugorje News
Other languages: English, Čeština, Deutsch, Hrvatski, Italiano
Feast James 2007

On June 25, the parish of Medjugorje celebrated the feast of St. James, its patron saint.

Following tradition, the morning Eucharistic celebration which took place in the park near the parish church was preceded by a procession with the statue of St. James, and the singing of the litanies of All Saints. This year, the honour to carry the statue was given to those living in the areas of Medjugorje called Ostojići.

27 juliol de 2007 /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Charitable projects, Medjugorje News
Other languages: English, Čeština, Deutsch, Hrvatski, Italiano
Marys Meals Conference 2007

A Proposition of a Simple Solution to World Hunger that Works

If you can’t feed one hundred people, then feed just one” (Mother Teresa)

The Humanitarian Organization “Scottish International Relief” organized in Medjugorje the first international Mary’s Meals conference from June 11 to 15, 2007.

25 juliol de 2007 /  Section: Our Lady of Medjugorje Messages - Category: Monthly Messages
Estimats fills, avui, en el dia del patró de la vostra parròquia, us invito a imitar la vida dels sants. Que ells us siguin un exemple i un estímul per a la vida de santedat. Que la pregària sigui per a vosaltres com l’aire que respireu i no un pes. Fillets, Déu us revelarà el seu amor i experimentareu la joia de ser fills meus predilectes. Déu us beneïrà i us donarà gràcies abundants. Gràcies per haver respost a la meva crida.
25 juliol de 2007 /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Medjugorje and Vatican
Other languages: English, Čeština, Deutsch, Hrvatski, Italiano
Benedict Our Lady Medjugorje

The Web portal of Radio Vatican reports in a text of July 21, 2007, that the Pope Benedict XVI, in Lorenzago di Cadore where he is staying until July 27, spent one hour in prayer in front of an image of Our Lady of Medjugorje.

Radio Vatican is saying that it was a very poignant moment.

„The Pope went to the small chapel in the forest and prayed in front of the image of Our Lady of Medjugorje. An interesting story is connected with this image: it was brought in the 80’s and was stolen. After some time, the thief brought it back to the small chapel. The Pope prayed the Rosary and spent there about one hour”, says the journalist of Radio Vatican.

More about it: Attesa per il secondo Angelus di Benedetto XVI da Lorenzago. Ieri sera, al Castello di Mirabello, il concerto dei cori del Cadore in onore del Papa

23 juliol de 2007 /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Interviews, Testimonies, Festival Mladifest
Tatiana Cameron Tajci

Tatiana Matejaš-Cameron (also known as Tajči) is a singer who gave a concert and a testimony on the Youth Festival "Mladifest" in Medjugorje, 2006. This was the first time that Tajči has performed in the former Yugoslavia region since leaving Croatia in the nineties. Tatiana no longer sings pop music, but only spiritual songs. During the last years, Tatiana has given hundreds of concerts all over the USA, where she found her way to God and where she settled and founded her family. See also her official website, www.idobelieve.com)

22 juliol de 2007 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Festival Mladifest / Author: Klošar
Mladifest 2006

Medjugorje Youth Festivals - 2005 and 2006.

Includes videos: *p. Bennet (English, Croatian) * Virgen Morenita * Singing and dancing * African dance * Morning prayer * s. Elvira Petrozzi (Italian, Croatian) * p. Maurizio (Italian, Croatian) * p. Silouan (French, Croatian) * Tatiana (Croatian) * Mirjana (Croatian) * Ivan (Croatian) * p. Steffan (Croatian) * fra. Vujevic (Croatian)

16 juliol de 2007 /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Medjugorje News / Author: Sister Halina
Other languages: English, Deutsch, Français, Italiano
What's happening in Medjugorje (May 2007)

At the beginning of the month of May which is consecrated to the Mother of God, an unusual wave of pilgrims came upon Medjugorje. It was the presence of a people which is very faithful to Marian devotion; a people very attached to my own heart: “a people from afar, far but always close, strong in its faith and Christian tradition.” Yes, I am talking of the Polish pilgrims, who came so numerously in the fi rst week of May. They came to thank God for the gift of the Virgin Mary, and to lift up to God their song of praise.

16 juliol de 2007 /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Reflections / Author: Giuseppe Ferraro
Other languages: English, Deutsch, Français, Italiano
Mystery Grace

At Conclusion of Jubilee Year

There is a message that Mary leaves us; a message without words, that is expressed with extraordinary intensity at MEDJUGORJE. The most precious, it gives meaning and fertility to every other message. I am speaking of the current of grace, that through her living presence, is communicated to souls with the unspeakable power of love.

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