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The famous Italian water polo player, 24 years old Alex Giorgetti came to Medjugorje. He comes from Savona in Italy, and he is offense player of Pro Recco, as well as the member of men’s Italy National Water Polo Team. They were the champions at the World Championship this year. Young Alex had meeting first with Fr. Miljenko Šteko, the Head of the Information Office in Medjugorje and gave him the water polo ball signed by all of the players of Italian team. He later shared his life experience with journalist of Radio Station “Mir” Medjugorje. He told us about his conversion that he experienced a year ago when he met Jesus in Mary and is very happy after having completely changed his life.

He lived without prayer and sacraments before his conversion and he said: “Since Italy has not won the World Championship in the last twenty years, I made decision that if we achieve a good result, I would come to Medjugorje and thank Jesus for that. Not that we became the World Championship Winners, but I was awarded as the best player of the Championship. That is why I decided to come and thank Jesus and Our Lady for all of the graces they bestowed upon me. I climbed Apparition Hill and Cross Mountain in my bare feet, and that was such a beautiful experience for me. I feel content and fulfilled and cannot wait to return to Italy so I could witness about the beauty of this place. I arrived here with my twin brother. Before, I never spoke with me; I never told him that I loved him. He never went to church, never prayed and this was the first time here that he went to confession and Holy Mass. I see all of that as fruits of my conversion and I am so happy to see him as joyful as he is, that was never the case in the past. He was not as lucky as I was in my life, because he was born with physical disability and all of that influenced him. Our parents always separated us in everything we were to do. Mother showed more affection to me and I was the one with better clothes, toys, the one who received more candies and sweets throughout the time of our childhood. She could see that I loved sports and that I was talented for water polo and she was always taking me for training practice to swimming pools.

I had perfect life; I was young, pretty looking and successful while my brother was lonely and sad. I was even too selfish to see that. I did not have need to talk to my family because I had everything else in my life: money, girlfriends and successful career. But all of that did not last too long. I ended long relationship that I had with my girlfriend. I loved here sincerely, but she was interested only in money and glory. I rejected invitation from our National Team Coach and I was completely desperate, broke, without family, friends, without girlfriend and career.

I was nearly in the condition of depression. Short afterwards, I got to meet pair of twin brothers who shared their story of conversion with me. Their story touched me deeply and I decided to share with them my own problems, my loneliness and my restlessness. I wanted Jesus to heel me, to change my life and give me peace that I was longing for so deeply. That is when changes started to take place in my life. I confessed, started going to Holy Mass, reading Holy Bible and helping to the poor. My life was changed completely. Relations with my family and other people became different, full of meaning, my career was advancing again and I became a new person. It was simply because God turns everything to good.

My family and my friends read about my conversion in newspapers, after I decided to share that with other people and they were truly surprised. The most beautiful thing is when you are able to live the truth and to be what you really are. My new life has just begun and my desire is to meet Jesus more and more with each day. I hope my story will be example to other young people to change their lives and to understand that nothing in their lives makes sense without Jesus.”