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  1. The main message is this : the presence of Our Lady
  2. The family must pray together and read the Bible
  3. To fast means to open up to the Lord
  4. When you are humble, when you pray fervently and when you love, satan cannot even draw close
  5. This is the time of decision
  6. I am with you and I am your Mother
  7. 'Today is the Feast of the Mother of goodness, love and mercy', and She gave us her blessing.
  8. 'Pray so that all the trials which come from satan might result in the glory of God'
  9. We must enter into our prayer before we begin to pray
  10. 'But why do you pray ? To be with God, to feel God inside yourselves'
  11. 'I am beautiful because I love. If you want to be beautiful, love'
  12. 'Be reconciled with Our Lord'
  13. "In our daily lives, we must find the Word of God which saves us in a real way"
  14. I say to you: love
  15. Pray with your Hearts
  16. "In our daily lives, we must find the Word of God which saves us in a real way"
  17. "I knock, but there are so many hearts that still do not open to Me"
  18. You must die in order to be resurrected
  19. 'I invite you to the light you must bring to all those who are in darkness' Lent messages
  20. Our Lady has taught us to take three steps forward in group prayer.
  21. Many stop at Easter and do not live the Resurrection
  22. The first thing to understand is the Will of God, even in suffering
  23. The apparitions are a stage in the spiritual life of the Church
  24. "Pray that hearts gripped by sin may open. I wish for this. God wishes it through me."
  25. When we say "pray" to the people, many do not know what it means
  26. Pray to the Holy Spirit for enlightenment
  27. "You ask me to stay with you always, not to leave you, but now I ask you not to leave me"
  28. In every prayer, we must express our inner life
  29. "I invite you to a more active prayer, and to participate in the Holy Mass. I would like every Mass to become an experience of God for you."
  30. The last daily meeting between Ivanka and Our Lady (7th May 1985)
  31. There is a fundamental error: to ask for things instead of seeking God.

This book is the second of the four volumes of sermons and discourses given by Fr. Slavko Barbaric and Fr. Tomislav Vlasic during 1984 - 1987 in Medjugorje, and contains discourses given from January to June 1985.

30 Chapters of this book are now completed

The family must pray together and read the Bible

At this time of January, after Christmas, we could say that all Our Lady's messages spoke of satan: beware of satan, satan is strong, he is angry, he wants to destroy my plans....

(In January, the Madonna delivered this message through Vicka (14th January 1985): "My dear children, Satan is so powerful that he wishes, with all his strength, to obstruct my plans which I started with you. Pray, only pray and never stop, not even for a second. I shall pray My Son that all the plans I have started will be accomplished. Be patient and persevere in your prayers and do not let satan discourage you. He acts very strongly in the world. Be careful !")

And She asked everyone to pray for all those who were tempted. Each one of us is tempted, but above all, the people responsible for these events. So it is necessary to pray hard. A fortnight ago She said: "Pray so that all the trials that come from satan might serve for the glory of the Lord." She also said that it was easier to disarm satan with ardent prayer and humble love. These are the arms to use to disarm Satan without any difficulty, just like Our Lady prayed and loved.

Last Thursday (14th February) She said: "I am sad because there are still many who are not following this path, even in the Parish." And She also said: "You must pray in your families and you must read the Bible."

I have already remarked at other times that we do not come across many messages where Our Lady says: "you must." This is what She said to Marija, 'you must'.

The messages of the apparitions are always an invitation "if you wish". But this time She said "you must." I think She also wanted to prepare us for Lent. For example, if a mother takes a threeyear old child by the hand to teach him to walk, at a certain moment she will let go of his hand and say : 'You must walk alone ...' It is not a command. He has grown up and so she says: 'Now you must, because you can.'

We can say this because little Jelena, who has internal locutions, explained the difference between Our Lady's way of speaking and that of satan. (She has at times heard and has been tried by satan.)

Jelena said that Our Lady never says: 'You must' and She does not anxiously wait to see what will happen. She offers, She invites, She lets us be free.

On the contrary, when satan proposes anything or looks for something, he is nervous, he does not wait, he has no time: he wants everything immediately, he is impatient.

And so I think that if Our Lady says: "You must," then we really must !

We shall see what Our Lady says this evening. Every day there is something, or a message for us ...

You see, the general message is not peace, it is Our Lady's presence. If She has not said anything, if, for example She has only appeared for a second, it is the general message: "I am with you." And from Her presence everything receives a special force.

(Fr. Slavko Barbaric 21st February, 1985)