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Mons. George Tracy, a priest from the United States, knows Medjugorje for 20 years now. In May 2004, he came on his 25th pilgrimage to the Shrine of the Queen of Peace.

Mons. Tracy was ordained in the diocese of Portland/Maine. He was a chaplain in the US Navy in Asia, a professor of theology and philosophy at several catholic universities in the USA and in Cambridge/England. Inspired by Mother Teresa and with the blessing of Pope John Paul II, he founded a priestly missionary movement “Cor Christi”, which gives a special attention to the spiritual poverty of those who have a certain influence in the western society. 37 priests associated now to this movement. They continue to belong to their dioceses but they collaborate in the apostolate of the “Cor Christi” movement.

Huanita Dragicevic spoke with him and with the seminarian James Cadman for Radio “Mir” Medjugorje.

Mons. George Tracy: I have been coming to Medjugorje for many years. I have realized during this stay more than ever that this is a school of prayer for the world. We are taught by our Mother Mary in this beautiful mountain reality and in the church to be in the central part of the world, in the central part of our hearts, real honest Catholics of great prayer. I was reading this week a paper written by a very well known cardinal of Europe that there is nothing to worry about Medjugorje in a critical way, except praise, how to learn how to pray.

James Cadman: I have received many invitations to come to Medjugorje from friends in the parishes I have worked in. But I never came because I always felt that I should visit first all the shrines with the Churches’ approval of the apparitions, and then I would visit Medjugorje. Bit at the same time I couldn’t deny the fruits that I have seen back in England because of Medjugorje. I have seen many people coming back to the faith, back to the sacraments, and I have come here to witness myself what was going on. One of the things, which impressed me the most here, is the reverence for Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, and the love for the priesthood. The priest is in the heart of our faith. Without the priest we don’t have the Mass.

Mons. George Tracy: Medjugorje began to have a great influence when I came here for the first time and it has continued. It has taught me in the depth of my being to live in the Immaculate Heart of Mary along with the Sacred Heart of her Son, which are the two Hearts that are central in my work in the “Cor Christi”. I have developed in my heart a real sense for the teachings of Grignon de Montfort, who is Mary’s child: To put my heart into her heart when I have to get in the Heart of Christ. I want to be Mother Mary’s child.

I have learned a lot from Mother Teresa. As a priest, I got to know the whole community in every city I was in, ant that still continues. She continually daily gave everything to every person she was with. She had such insight into the soul of each person she was working with. She was able to love and care for the person she was talking to, to teach the person how to give Jesus what he wants back from you. It was an amazing lesson that went on for years. I have a box full of her letters. I think that is the greatest gift a person can give us: to keep loving the other person.

Together with Mother Teresa I went to see the Holy Father. Mother Teresa and the Holy Father together was the most beautiful thing any body could be part of and it will never repeat in history. It is difficult to speak about this. Observing two children together. The way they relate to each other, the way their hearts connect. Hey both understood the Little way of St Therese of Lisieux.

She was the one singular person who said to me: “Jesus has told me that this is the work that you will be doing.” And I have never thought of it.

The “Cor Christi” missionary community gives retreats and conferences to people in leadership and in business. Mother Teresa told me: these are your poor. Our charism is to lead them to the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The point of the conferences that we give is to bring them back to that way, which they have lost.

Never stop loving Mary as your Mother and through her Immaculate Heart live your life! Let her take you to the Heart of Christ, this is her job!