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This book is the first of the four volumes of sermons and discourses given by Fr. Slavko Barbaric and Fr. Tomislav Vlasic during 1984 - 1987 in Medjugorje, and contains talks given from Easter until December 1984.

All chapters of this book are now included

Keep silent and listen

Dear Brethren, I have told you I do not want to give any news to you today.

I want you to hear God and Our Lady in the liturgy. If you really want to, you will be able to hear them. Now I would prefer to speak to the heart of each one of you, like our Heavenly Mother , in silence. Only in silence will you be able to understand what God is doing here today.

Following the readings you will hear today, all of them are like the heart of God open to us. He calls us: come to Me you who are thirsty and hungry.

The Psalmist tells us that God cares for every living being.

St. Paul then tells us his experience : no one can take us from Jesus Christ, not even death, not even our sins, not even illness. Remember : nothing. Jesus Christ remains amongst us.

The Gospel tells us : ‘Have compassion on people.’ When everyone, even the Apostles, wanted to send people away, saying :’You cannot stay here, you will have to look elsewhere, make do’ , Jesus performs the miracle. It is Jesus who remains here, it is He who performs the miracle and calls us. So today’s liturgy takes us in depth to savour this Divine Love. I want you to be able to live Jesus Christ here and this is why I told you I did not want to give you any news today. I felt yesterday and today, too, that this is the most beautiful day of my life.

It is the most beautiful feast day I have spent amongst people. It is the only day, up to now, that has been celebrated well. people purified by fasting, prayer, penance and the sacrament of Reconciliation. This day is not for amusement but it is the Lord’s Day. Yesterday and today I have seen some miracles amongst the people and there have been some amongst you who have had indescribable experiences. It would be better to listen to all those who have felt these miracles within them than to a sermon. This is why I said I did not want to give you any news today. I want you to live Jesus Christ in your hearts.

Jesus wants to embrace us today, wants to give us this love, but love is not given by force. We love only the person who loves, we give only to the person who opens his hand . This is why we must open ourselves to God.

A woman of eighty came here yesterday, barefoot; she had walked over one hundred and twenty kilometres. Today a man climbed up to the Cross on his knees. I have seen thousands of people fast on bread and water children, young people and old, sick and healthy, all saying : ‘yes, we can fast and are happy to do so’.

Those of you who have not yet opened their hearts to God please open them today. Do not ask for words from the priest. Keep silent and listen to what cannot be understood by words. God acts within us. Remember to hold your Rosary in your hand. Continue to go to confession, to leave all your sins behind you and open yourselves to God all day long so as to feel His Divine Love.

Leave the souvenirs, it is better to go home taking God within you.

(Fr. Tomislav Vlasic 5/8/84)