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... Mary also wishes that we switch off TV during the nine days before great feast days like Easter and Christmas ...

Laureen on watching TV

Laureen is an active young woman in a big city of Holland. She is single and works with much zeal, spreading Gospa's messages. She never finds herself jobless when it comes to serving Her! The experience she shares here may inspire us to make good use of our freedom!

"I had not watched TV for 15 years. But four months ago I got a subscription. My objective was to stay in touch with world events. But after four months I had to cancel my subscription. I had the clear conviction that this was the right decision to make. Why?? Because when I watched TV at night, I became empty. Even if it was a news program informing me of the dayπs events in the world so that I could pray for them afterwards, no way, it just didnπt work for me. Each time, the same thing happened: after watching TV for an hour, I could no longer pray because my heart became hard and something in me was cut off from God, from my source. Then I wouldnπt pray for the events, because my mind was confused. I asked myself why and I found the answer: when I watch TV, the spirit of the world enters my heart. At the moment I press the button, I plug myself into the spirit of the world, I consciously say "YES" to it. Then this spirit eats away what is related to God in me and I become emptier and emptier.

Upon deciding to get rid of TV, I acted immediately by canceling my subscription the next day. As I mailed the letter, great joy came into my heart. I was immersed in a light and could feel that Heaven agreed with my decision. Then I said to the Blessed Mother: "Since I will not spend an hour watching the evening news on TV, I am going to give this hour to the Rosary." From that day onward I have been praying a whole Rosary every night. While I used to waste my time and my life in the Spirit by watching TV, now I feel I am not wasting my time at all! Besides, since I have been praying the Rosary, I have felt a great urge to fast. I can see it clearly: by being consistent in one thing, one gets the strength to grow and be able to be consistent in other things too. Praying the Rosary every night has given me the strength and the space to fast on bread and water as the Blessed Mother is asking.

I don't mean to generalize, since this is my own way to give God the first place in this time of my life. I've discerned that it was Godπs desire for me to get rid of TV, at least the way TV is offered right now. If we chose to watch TV, then a great vigilance is needed in order to be protected from the Evil one. He is so active through some programs!"

Sr. Emmanuel on watching TV

In the 80s, Gospa sometimes mentioned TV, however she never forbade it nor asked that we throw our TV sets away. As a Mother, she knows well that this would be too hard for some of her children (those who suffer from depression or excessive loneliness have sometimes only their TV to hear and see other folks!). Besides, some programs are very good. Itπs up to us to produce many more good ones! But for the fasting days, Our Lady said:

- "If you do not have the strength to fast on bread and water, you can give up other things. It would be a good thing to renounce television, because after watching some programs, you are distracted and unable to pray..." (December 8, 1981).

- "If you watch the programs, if you look at the newspapers, your mind is filled with news, then there is no longer any place for me in your hearts" (April 17, 1986).

To the prayer group of young people formed and guided by her in Medjugorje during seven years, she said: - "Renounce all passions and all inordinate desires. Avoid television, particularly evil programs, excessive sports, the unreasonable enjoyment of food and drink, alcohol, tobacco..." (First ß of their rule, given to Jelena Vasilj on June 16, 1983).

Mary also wishes that we switch off TV during the nine days before great feast days like Easter and Christmas. She has asked that our families gather and, with the Bible in hand, we share about the texts related to the coming feast (as the Jews do!).

Finally, here is another part of Laureen's letter to us:

"At night, no matter how late it is, I pray for an hour before I go to bed. This is the time when joy enters my heart and when everything falls into place. Of course it is important to make contact with others in order to grow in the spiritual life, through telephone calls for example, but I realize that this becomes possible only after having immersed myself in God's presence through prayer. Prayer first, then the rest follows!

≥Concretely, if I have to decide whether I'll talk with someone or pray, I will give priority to prayer. Thus, I may receive the inner freedom that I need to be led by the Holy Spirit. It is He who then can inspire me to make contact with someone or not."