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In the beginning of July 2012, Medjugorje visionary Marija Pavlovic Lunetti has once again visited so-called Caritas of Birmingham community for 5 days. Unfortunately, some uniformed, gullible and undiscerning people understand simply Marija’s Pavlovic Lunetti visits as an endorsement and validation of so called “Friend of Medjugorje” and group of his minions Caritas of Birmingham. But in fact, already since 1988 it became obvious that persons with connections to Marija Pavlovic Lunetti are definitely not necessarily credible, and some of them can even pose a serious threat for those, who might naively trust these persons.

As we will see, the history of Medjugorje phenomenon provided us with the case of Tomislav Vlasic and his community "Queen of Peace" a clear proof, that no credibility or endorsement can be granted explicitly to any people based solely by their connections with Marija Pavlovic Lunetti, or because that she would be living or receiving visions and messages in their house.

The case of Tomislav Vlasic demonstrates clearly that Marija Pavlovic Lunetti and other Medjugorje visionaries can misjudge other people and their real intentions and agenda. And that Medjugorje visionaries can be misled, manipulated and exploited by them in the same way as others can be. Visionaries associates or those being able to influence Marija Pavlovic Lunetti and other Medjugorje visionaries are definitely not necessarily reliable or trustworthy.

“Our Lady made a program for the community ‘Queen of Peace …’ and guides the community through Father Tomislav and Agnes"

In February 1988, Marija Pavlovic Lunetti was lured by a former associate pastor of Medjugorje Fr. Tomislav Vlasic to live in his lay association, “Kraljice Mira, potpuno tvoji- po Mariji k Isusu” (Queen of Peace, Totally Yours - through Mary to Jesus) community, which Tomislav Vlasic established in 1987 with a controversial german seer Augnes Heupel in Parma, Italy. Marija Pavlovic Lunetti had her daily apparitions in the Tomislav Vlasic’s community for few months. Marija Pavlovic Lunetti reported that Our Lady seemingly approved Vlasic's plans and activities with his community by the words of Our Lady: "This is God's plan" [1] , pp. 3-4.

Marija Pavlovic Lunetti also wrote on 21. April 1988 a personal testimony in Croatian and Italian language on over 2 pages in [1] , with another message from Our Lady seemingly supporting Tomislav Vlasic. Her testimony also included the following:

“As you can see, the Madonna has made a program for the Community "Queen of Peace, Totally Yours, To Jesus Through Mary," and guides this community through Father Tomislav and Agnes, through whom the messages are being received for the Community. I have been staying in the Community for over a month and a half ...” [1] , pp. 15-16. Cf. R. Laurentin, Dernières Nouvelles de Medjugorje, No 8, O.E.I.L., Paris, 1989, p. 51.

“My first declaration, as published in Croatian and Italian, does not correspond to the truth.”

Later, in a written statement from 11. July 1988 sent to Congregation of Doctrine and Faith, Marija Pavlovic Lunetti retracted her own claims in her personal testimony written on 21. April 1988, as the ones which “does not correspond to the truth” [2] . This retraction allowed her to disassociate from Tomislav Vlasic, but also further damaged her own credibility and reputation, because her new statements clearly contradicted to her previous statements published and signed earlier. Marija Pavlovic Lunetti also left the community of Tomislav Vlasic and did not return back.

On October 1988, the community of Tomislav Vlasic was closed by the decree of the bishop of Parma, Msgr. Benito Cocchi. Some practices of the community, such as cohabitation between men and women, were by Msgr. Benito Cocchi considered as "totally unrelated to any form of religious community accepted by the Church" [3] . Tomislav Vlasic reacted by opening three new houses in the dioceses in Italy led by other bishops less opposed to his activities. Another house was constructed in 1995 in Medjugorje, without the permission or recognition of any kind by the local bishop.

Tomislav Vlasic, Stefania Caterina and Ashtar Sheran commander from the planet Alpha Centauri

Since 1994, Tomislav Vlasic closely collaborates with a questionable Italian seer Stefania Caterina. In 2002, Stefania Caterina became vice-president of the “Queen of Peace...” community of Tomislav Vlasic. With Stefania Caterina, Tomislav Vlasic currently publicly promotes and preaches a bizarre mix of Catholicism, UFO religion and mediumship [4] [5] [6] [7] .

Stefania Caterina Beyond The Great Barrier Book

Stefania Caterina writes about her alleged experiences and messages from extra-terrestrial entities in the book "Beyond the Great Barrier" [(Luci Dell’Esodo, 2008)]. The first such experiences began in 1984, with "Ashtar Sheran [7] [8] from the planet Alpha Centauri" [9] commander of interplanetary powerful fleet, scientist, engineer and designer, and then with his wife Kalna, the priest-king Aris and "several brothers and sisters of Alpha Centauri” [10] , p.117.

Stefania Caterina claims that her experiences: "occur through inner locutions and visions, during which I was given explanations by the Lord himself, or his instruments, first of all S. Archangel Raphael”. She claims, that in communications with her are involved the Father, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, Mary, St. Joseph, the Apostles John and Paul, the archangels, “in particular Michael that is presented as the forerunner of the second coming of Christ”, Lucifer, the small deceased Anna, the souls in Purgatory and "people of other planets." [10] , p.16

A spacecraft so big, that it can eclipse the Earth with its shadow

In her book, Stefania Caterina describes space ships orbiting around the Earth by order of God to prevent the humanity of the Earth destroy itself. She also writes: "One of the most important tasks of the humanity of Alpha Centauri is used to control the largest interplanetary fleet. It is composed of the most powerful spacecraft and crews selected, made available by the planets faithful to God " [10] , p.123. “The interplanetary flagship is so great that it can obscure the Earth with its shadow“ (cf. p.123). “When the time is right, the aliens' will manifest openly and visible to everyone. It is God's plan that this happens. Then the great interplanetary fleet will be positioned above the Earth, and will be visible from every corner of the world" [10] , p.129.

Stefania Caterina claims she was taken in spirit to visit many planets and received many explanations of the living conditions of “so many brothers of the universe” [11] . Such content is clearly similar to messages, mythology and fantasies reported for past decades by various UFO religions and cults [7] .

Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith sanctions Vlasic

In 2008, Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) published that Tomislav Vlasic was reported to the Congregation “for the diffusion of dubious doctrine, manipulation of consciences, suspected mysticism, disobedience towards legitimately issued orders and charges contra sextum.” (note: contra sextum means sexual misconduct) [12] . Upon studying the case, the Congregation sanctioned Vlasic with “severe cautionary and disciplinary measures”, including but not limited to: “prohibition of any contact with Queen of Peace community”, “a mandatory course of theological-spiritual formation”, with a “final evaluation” and “profession of faith”, prohibition of preaching, public appearances and hearing confessions.

CDF did not specify whether or no their sanctions against Tomislav Vlasic were issued also because of his activities during the time he was an associate pastor of Medjugorje. In publicized documents, CDF merely noted, that they were studying the case of Father Tomislav Vlasic “within the context of the phenomenon Medjugorje” [12] .

Vatican threatens Vlasic with ex-communication, yet Tomislav Vlasic continues with disobedience

In 2009, Tomislav Vlasic was laicized. Under the pain of ex-communication, Tomislav Vlasic is since then facing from the Holy See “Absolute prohibition from exercising any form of apostolate (for example, promoting public or private devotion, teaching Christian doctrine, spiritual direction, participation in lay associations, etc.)” and “Absolute prohibition from releasing declarations on religious matters, especially regarding the "phenomenon of Medjugorje" [13] .

Yet, he has chosen to ignore these Congregation of Doctrine and Faith prohibitions and to continue in his disobedience and disrespect towards highest Church authorities by continuing his public preaching agenda together with Stefania Caterina, as it’s clearly obvious from over 30 videos in several languages published during past year on their video channel [14] and from published articles on their website, e.g. [15] , [16] .

“We want to tell you clearly that Tomislav Vlašić and I are both part of the Central Nucleus”

Stefania Caterina and Tomislav Vlasic announcing on 11. February 2012 that they "are both part of 'Central Nucleus'"Stefania Caterina and Tomislav Vlasic announcing on 11. February 2012 that they "are both part of 'Central Nucleus'"

In February 2012, Stefania Caterina and Tomislav Vlašić announced in a video conference, that they are part of a group called "Central Nucleus", formed by 49 beings chosen by God throughout the universe [17] . According to Stefania Caterina, Central Nucleus is composed of seven great Archangels and 18 sisters and 18 brothers of universe, who came from different humanities, not only from Earth. Some members of the Central Nucleus are deceased, but they are not “dead”.

Tomislav Vlasic and his "Queen of Peace" community troubles Medjugorje reputation

The very serious charges of CDF, laicization of Tomislav Vlasic, together with his current continuing, on-going disobedience and bizarre preaching and teaching is troubling for Medjugorje reputation and credibility. Not only because of the past involvement of Marija Pavlovic Lunetti, living for few months in the house of Tomislav Vlasic and his "Queen of Peace..." community and giving her personal testimony which supported Tomislav Vlasic and his community. Also for the reason, that until 1984 Tomislav Vlasic used to be without a doubt one of the most prominent and visible figures of Medjugorje movement and phenomenon. He was officially named an associate pastor of Medjugorje during 1982 – to 1984. But he was at that time also considered by many people of Medjugorje movement, including some of the most prominent writers and figures of Medjugorje movement in eighties to be the “spiritual guide” of Medjugorje visionaries. Tomislav Vlasic is directly mentioned either as a “guide”, “advisor” or “director” of Medjugorje seers in writings of renowned authors strongly in favour of Medjugorje such as Fr. Robert Faricy, Fr. Rene Laurentin, Fr. Slavko Barbarić , Fr. Janko Bubalo or Fr. Marijan Ljubić [18] .

Using Marija Pavlovic Lunetti for self-promotion and justification of personal activities, ambitions and agenda

Similarly as self-styled “Friend of Medjugorje” Terry Colafrancesco, Tomislav Vlasic has managed to use Marija Pavlovic as well as popularity of Medjugorje and Our Lady for gaining seeming credibility and to attract and use people, their lives and their resources to support his questionable personal activities, ambitions, religious fantasies and bizarre preaching agenda, very often completely unrelated to Medjugorje in any way.

Nowadays, almost whole Medjugorje movement - centers, groups, faithful and websites about Medjugorje has distanced themselves from Mr. Tomislav Vlasic and his “Queen of Peace...” community, as well as they have distanced and rejected the self-appointed “Friend of Medjugorje” and community of his minions “Caritas of Birmingham”. Similarly as “Queen of Peace” community, “Caritas of Birmingham” has no recognition of any kind by the Catholic Church.

Caritas of Birmingham and "Friend of Medjugorje" must be good and harmless because Marija Pavlovic went there?

Marija Pavlovic was in 1988 involved with now former priest Fr. Tomislav Vlasic and with his very questionable community “Queen of Peace”. She was living there, and also had there her daily alleged apparitions for few months. She even wrote a personal testimony and alleged messages from Our Lady supporting the Queen of Peace community and Tomislav Vlasic, though she later withdrew and denied these. Fr. Tomislav Vlasic was investigated due to very serious charges by Vatican’s Congregation of Doctrine and Faith, which issued on him “severe cautionary and disciplinary measures”. Vatican later laicized Vlasic, and under the pain of excommunication forbids him to make any kind of apostolate, releasing declarations, participation in lay associations on religious matters, etc. which Tomislav Vlasic openly and flagrantly disobeys.

This is by itself enough to completely reject logic fallacies of anybody who would suggest that Caritas of Birmingham and self-styled “Friend of Medjugorje”, Terry Colafrancesco must be good and harmless because Marija Pavlovic Lunetti went there or that she had alleged apparitions taking place in Colafrancesco’s house, since same already happened before with completely discredited Tomislav Vlasic and his community "Queen of Peace".

Detailed information for discernment of what kind of person self-styled "Friend of Medjugorje" (Terry Colafrancesco) really is and what the group of his minions "Caritas of Birmingham" is about are available in English and Italian languages online at:

Association of Marija Pavlovic with so-called “Friend of Medjugorje”, her disturbing visits at the dubious and discredited site of “Caritas of Birmingham”, and alleged apparitions which took place there continues to be deeply troubling and scandalous. Marija's Pavlovic conduct very seriously damages not only her own reputation and credibility, but also the one of the whole Medjugorje movement and phenomenon.


[1] Una chiamata nell'Anno Mariano ("An Appeal In the Marian Year"), Associazione Amici di Medjugorje ("Friends of Medjugorje Association"), Milan

[2] Marija Pavlovic of Medjugorje declaration regarding Tomislav Vlasic, Agnes Heupel and their community Queen of Peace, July 1988

[3] 68/I/28 letter of October 1, 1988

[4] Tomislav Vlašić and Stefania Caterina: The Central Nucleus

[5] Medjugorje's ex-Franciscan, Tomislav Vlasic, has lost it...

[6] [ITA] Radio Maria: le rivelazioni Ufologiche di Suor Stefania Caterina (Ufological relevations of Sister Stefania Caterina)

[7] UFO religion on Wikipedia

[8] Ashtar Sheran (extraterrestrial being) on Wikipedia

[9] Alpha Centauri in fiction on Wikipedia

[10] Stefania Caterina - Oltre la grande barriera, ed. Luci Dell’Esodo, Mestre-Venezia 2008

[11] [ITA] Stefania Caterina tells about her relevations: "They are not aliens, they are children of God."

[12] The Canonical status of Rev. Father Tomislav Vlašić, OFM

[13] Tomislav Vlasic, a former Medjugorje priest reduced to the lay state and dismissed from the Franciscan order

[14] Youtube Channel Towards New Creation by Tomislav Vlasic and Stefania Caterina

[15] Tomislav Vlašić: Progressing into Fullness - Part 1 – “The turning point of humanity”

[16] Stefania Caterina and Tomislav Vlašić: Stay awake…stand ready! (Mt 24, 42-44)

[17] Tomislav Vlašić and Stefania Caterina: The Central Nucleus

[18] Did Vlašić Manipulate the Seers? by Marco Corvaglia