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Your Excellency,

For the purpose of having a clearer picture of Caritas, I feel that, you should know the following which Jacquie and I did not have an opportunity to relate.

First, I am not sure how long it was that you told Terry that Mass was not allowed to be said at Caritas, but Terry interpreted it to our needs. Since 1995 or 1996, a priest from Phoenix, Alabama, came on a fairly regular basis and said Mass either in the field or the Tabernacle building. Terry always explained that as long as the priest was from outside the Diocese, you give permission for Mass. What your instructions were regarding this we had no idea. We only knew what Terry told us.

As I said in our discussion on 10/13/00, after I left Caritas a lot of the FBI came out in me and I did some of my own investigation and came up with some interesting facts. I say facts because the two people I talked to have absolutely no "ax to grind" with Terry or Caritas.

Dr. Del Hahn is a well respected radiologist in Alabama and we met based on a mutual love we have - flying airplanes. Dr. Hahn, in the late 1980’s, took pilgrimages to Medjugorje on a somewhat regular basis, became good friends with the visionary Marija and he would stay at her house with her parents It is important to interject here that Dr. Hahn is fluent in Italian as is Marija so he could converse with her without the need for a translator and there are no misunderstandings or misinterpretations. In February, 1989, Dr. Hahn was in Medjugorje when Marija had returned from her operation here in Birmingham. The events of the past three months were still fresh in her mind according to Dr. Hahn. Among the many things discussed was the apparition by the pine tree in 1988. Marija said that through her, Terry asked Our Lady if a church should be built there. Terry said that Our Lady said "I will answer that question later." Marija told Dr. Hahn that Our Lady said that there was to be "no church, no chapel, no statue. It is not to be a shrine". Dr. Hahn took the answer to be rather simple and straightforward, and when he came back to the States he went out to see this pine tree in the field. He said that when he saw a statue on top of a pile of rocks and an altar in the field his thought was: "if this man disobeys a mandate from Heaven, what is his agenda?" Dr. Hahn told me that to this day he has not and will not visit or support Caritas.

In the mid-80's, Jack Sacco was very active in the Medjugorje movement in Birmingham. In mid-July, I talked to him at length regarding his association with Terry. He said that in 1986 when Terry became involved in the Medjugorje movement, he (Terry) was looking for another source of income since his landscaping business was going bankrupt. Jack said that, it was his impression that when Terry was in Medjugorje, he also saw dollar signs. A disturbing point in the interview was when Jack told me that in the summer of 1987 Terry took him to the pine tree in the field. Terry told Jack: "Someday Marija will have an apparition at this pine tree. I haven't figured it out yet how I'm going to do it, but I will. You know who comes after Our Lady? Satan and chaos!" Jack said that Terry was very excited about the part of Satan and chaos and from that point on, he wanted nothing to do with Terry.

The two interviews are only two of the several that I have done convincing me that Terry has very cleverly and carefully lied about the mission of Caritas from the very beginning for the purpose of control and money. I present these facts to you in order for you to have the most complete picture possible in order to carry out your pastoral obligations regarding Caritas.

All of us concerned with this situation pray for you daily realizing the heavy burdens you bear not just with this, but with your numerous other obligations.

In God's Peace,

Michael J. O'Neill