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This book is the third of the four volumes of sermons and discourses given by Fr. Slavko Barbaric and Fr. Tomislav Vlasic during 1984 - 1987 in Medjugorje, and contains discourses given from July to December 1985.

Not all chapters of this book are yet included

"Our Lady takes new steps everywhere”

.... Yugoslavian television has transmitted a broadcast on Medjugorje lately. In it, the orthodox priest spoke thus, ‘This is something great also for Ecumenism, for all these orthodox believers who have already come and for those who will follow’.

This seems to me to be a step taken by Our Lady.

At the same time, in London, an article appeared in a very important paper and we were invited to give a short talk on television. The woman journalist who was in the studio with me gave a very important testimony. The interviewer asked, ‘So, you have been to Medjugorje, what have you seen ? ’ She replied, ‘I am a Protestant, nonpractising; my husband too is a nonpractising Protestant. Our photographer is Jewish, the interpreter, a girl from Belgrade, orthodox, a psychologist. All four of us were against this.’ And she said in front of all the English audience: ‘I have not seen Our Lady, but I can honestly say that all four of us have changed. We have changed our way of thinking and I am sure that the visionaries do see someone, but I do not know who that is .’

This is highly important testimony.

Through these events Our Lady takes new steps in every direction. This surely, is not the moment of triumph of something, but it means for us yet another obligation to take what is happening seriously.

(Fr. Slavko Barbaric 19th October 1985)