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Marija asked Our Lady, "Dear Madonna, why didn't you give me a message for the parish on Thursday?" Our Lady replied:
I do not wish to force anyone to do that which he/she neither feels nor desires, even though I had special messages for the parish by which I wanted to awaken the faith of every believer. But only a really small number has accepted my Thursday messages. In the beginning there were quite a few. But its become a routine affair for them. And now recently some are asking for the message out of curiosity, and not out of faith and devotion to my Son and me.
Many of the faithful felt shaken by the last message of Our Lady. Some had the feeling that Our Lady would not give any more messages to the parish, but this evening she said,
I am speaking to you and I wish to speak further. You just listen to my instructions!
Dear children! These days Satan is working underhandedly against this parish, and you, dear children, have fallen asleep in prayer, and only some are going to Mass. Withstand the days of temptation! Thank you for having responded to my call.
Dear children! I thank you for having started to think more about God's glory in your hearts. Today is the day when I wished to stop giving the messages because some individuals did not accept me. The parish has been moved and I wish to keep on giving you messages as it has never been in history from the beginning of the world. Thank you for having responded to my call.
Dear children! Today I call you to prayer with the heart, and not just from habit. Some are coming but do not wish to move ahead in prayer. Therefore, I wish to warn you like a Mother: pray that prayer prevails in your hearts in every moment. Thank you for having responded to my call.
Dear children! Today I call you to place more blessed objects in your homes and that everyone put some blessed objects on their person. Bless all the objects and thus Satan will attack you less because you will have armor against him. Thank you for having responded to my call.
The apparition lasted 6 minutes. Ivanka had the apparition at home in the presence of her family, her husband and her three children. Our Lady gave the following message:
Dear Children, do not tire of prayer. Pray for peace, peace, peace.
Our Lady related to Ivanka some new details about her life. She gave us her motherly blessing. Our Lady was joyful.
Our Lady did not give a classical message. She blessed all of us who were present and all the religious articles that we brought with us for blessing. With a serious expression on her face, Our Lady emphasized again the priestly blessing. With pain and love at the same time Our Lady said:
Remember, children of mine, that it is my Son blessing you. Do not accept it so lightly.
After that Our Lady told me about some things that are supposed to happen and she said:
There is no way without my Son. Do not think that you will have peace and joy if you do not have Him in the first place.
Mirjana said: "I cannot say that Our Lady was sad or joyful; she was preoccupied, with loving care on her face.