The Family in the Messages of Our Lady Queen of Peace

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Peace in the Family

Everything Mary said about families, all the advice She has given, all the motherly warnings, all invitations to abandonment to God and decisions for holiness, the invitations to love and forgiveness, lead to that main goal in accordance to which She has chosen Her name when She said: "I am the Queen of Peace."

Peace is the deepest yearning of every human heart. In whatever man does, be it good or bad, in some way, he seeks peace. When he kills another or takes his own life, he is seeking the way to peace just as he is when he gives his life for others. Peace is a Biblical value, which is realized only when the fullness of all good takes place: spiritual, psychological and physical.

In the end, peace is possible only where life is accepted, loved, respected and protected. That is why, once again, the family is either a place of peace, and thus, life or a place of destruction, and thus, of death. In the heart of Mary, - as the Queen of Peace and the new Eve, as the mother of all the living, - peace in the family is cherished.

For this reason, one of the main intentions of the prayer in the family is peace, which is especially threatened at this time. In addition to calling us to pray for peace, She invites us to fast. What will happen to the family and in the world depends in particular on prayer and fasting (July 25, 1991). At the time of the message of July 25, 1991, the storm of war had already flared up in Croatia. It is God who gives peace and defends from unrest and evil (December 25, 1992).

While God desires peace, because He is the fount of peace and through Mary invites us to fast and pray for peace, Satan wants war, lack of peace, the destruction of all that is good in the heart, in the families and in the whole world (March 25,1993). Only with prayer can unrest and hatred be overcome and peace reign (April 25,1993).

In the Christmas message of 1994, Mary is the Mother who rejoices with us and prays with us for peace, for peace in our hearts, in our families, in our desires and in the whole world. She invokes the blessing of peace from the King of Peace, who alone can give peace. That is why we must finally come to understand that peace is Gods gift, which gives birth to love, as love does to peace (April 25,1996).

According to the visionaries, at the end of the apparition, Our Lady always says, "Go in peace, my angels!"


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