Living the Gospel with Our Lady

Daily Spiritual Exercises based on the Medjugorje Messages

Beginning Thursday, 31 January 2008

The Blessed Virgin Mary began to appear in Medjugorje 24 June 1981. After 20 months of calling her children to conversion by means of prayer, the sacraments and the scriptures, she began a three-year School of Prayer on Thursdays. The programme started the week before Lent in 1984 and concluded in January, 1987.

Mgr. George Tutto, a Hungarian priest living in the U.K. since 1953, and who was Spiritual Director to the Medjugorje Apostolate in England and Wales from the 1980s through the mid 1990s, wrote a book entitled “Living the Gospel with Our Lady." Published in 1991, this book linked the 150 weekly messages, given each Thursday by the Queen of Peace, to selected scripture texts to help us live the Gospel with Our Lady. These 150 messages were divided into 3 groups of 50 and each of these into 5 groups of 10 - just like the decades of the Rosary.

Our Lady recently stated that we are not praying because we are afraid to open ourselves to prayer. Over the next three years you are invited to make a renewed commitment to take Our Blessed Mother’s messages seriously by Living the Gospel with Our Lady and learning to pray with the heart.

The programme is available at Manchester Medjugorje Center website

Medjugorje WebSite