Testimony of Mariana, Mexico

Mariana is an attractive, modern young woman, who works as an interior decorator in Mexico. In Medjugorje she told us: "I was very independent and active and, like all young people, I did what I wanted when I wanted, trying to get the most out of life.

One day, when I was twenty-five, I went to a cinema with some friends. A young man, very much under the influence of drugs, approached our car. He held a pistol in his hand. A friend cried out: "Keep your head down," but the man pulled the trigger. The bullet went through the window and I collapsed. In the hospital a doctor had to extract the bullet from my spinal cord, leaving me paralyzed and without any feeling from my chest down to my feet, although I did retain some mobility in my arms. After being released, I had to face this man who had shot me before the judges. I felt no hatred and knew the best thing to do was to forgive him. He came from a prominent family, yet no one from this family ever came to see me, nor did they make any excuses. The pistol belonged to his father, and the judge wanted to put both father and son in prison. I opposed this. I wished them only good.

"During my rehabilitation I had a dream: Jesus and Mary were close to me, and Jesus said, "I am healing you." My heart and my body were seized with a mysterious impulse, and I thought that I was healed. In reality, it was an inner healing, since I received the great grace to pray more and better. In this dream, Mary wore a crown of twelve stars, and since then, she has been constantly at my side in a very obvious way. Only later was I given a video on Medjugorje, and I recognized in the beautiful statue of Tilhaljina (Father Jozo's church near Medjugorje) the Lady I had seen in my dream ! The peace which she poured out on me gave me the strength to renounce everything which had prevented me from growing in God, such as alcohol and the frequenting of certain bad places where drugs were available. I stopped keeping bad company. I received the courage to tell my friends: "Pray, believe in Jesus. He can really change your life !" The fact that they did not know of Jesus' and Mary's love was painful for me.

"Christians came to tell me, "You must go to Medjugorje, Jesus and Mary are working many miracles there." I decided to go there, hoping for a physical healing. I preferred to be healed by God than by a physician, as a sign for unbelievers.

"In Medjugorje this healing was not given to me, but I received an even greater grace. I understood that in my youth I had been living in darkness and emptiness, in great danger of losing my soul. Now God had used this injury to bring me closer to Him and to make me open to the truths of God's love which I had ignored. In Medjugorje, Our Lady changed my heart and its desires. Of course, I still hope for a physical healing, but I am no longer anxious about it. Instead, I anxiously hope for all of my friends to know God ! I have a great wish to consecrate my life to prayer and intercession. I offer to Jesus my sufferings so that my friends might be cured of atheism, of disbelief, and of the lack of God in their lives, and that they might come to know the deep joy that is mine. This is my priority, and in this I find the greatest peace. My obsession with being healed vanished."


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