Medjugorje WebSite Updates

Added March 1, 2018 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos - Category: Medjugorje Messages, Music with pictures, Wide screen
Medjugorje Message February 25 2018
  • Italiano - Messaggio, 25 febbraio 2018
  • English - Message, February 25, 2018
  • Español - Mensaje, 25 de febrero de 2018
  • Hrvatski - Poruka, 25. veljača 2018.
  • Deutsch - Mensaje, 25. február 2018
  • Français - Message, 25. février 2018
  • Português - Mensagem, 2018.g. 25. fevereiro
  • Polski - Orędzie 25. luty 2017r
  • Čeština - Poselství 25. února 2018
  • Tiếng Việt - Thông điệp Medjugorje ngày, 25.Tháng Hai 2018
  • Slovenščina - Sporočilo, 25. februar 2018
  • Українська - Послання, 25 лютий 2018
  • Slovenčina - Posolstvo, 25. február 2018
  • Magyar - Üzenet, 2018.február 25
  • Suomi - Viesti 25.helmikuu 2018
  • Română - Mesaj din 25 februarie 2018
  • Nederlands - Boodschap, 25 februari 2018
  • العربية - رسالة, فبر 25 2018
  • Русский - Послание, 25 Февраль, 2018
Added February 25, 2018 /  Section: Our Lady of Medjugorje Messages - Category: Monthly Messages
Dear children! In this time of grace I am calling all of you to open yourselves and to live the commandments which God has given you, that they may lead you through the Sacraments on the way of conversion. The world and worldly temptations are testing you, but you, little children, look at God’s creatures which He has given to you in beauty and humility and, little children, love God above everything and He will lead you on the way of salvation. Thank you for having responded to my call.
Added February 20, 2018 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos - Category: Medjugorje Messages, Music with pictures, Wide screen
Medjugorje Message February 2 2018
  • Italiano - Messaggio, 2 febbraio 2018
  • English - Message, February 2, 2018
  • Español - Mensaje, 2 de febrero de 2018
  • Hrvatski - Poruka, 2. veljača 2018.
  • Deutsch - Mensaje, 2. február 2018
  • Français - Message, 2. février 2018
  • Português - Mensagem, 2018.g. 2. fevereiro
  • Polski - Orędzie 2. luty 2017r
  • Čeština - Poselství 2. února 2018
  • Română - Mesaj din 2 februarie 2018
  • Tiếng Việt - Thông điệp Medjugorje ngày, 2.Tháng Hai 2018
  • Slovenščina - Sporočilo, 2. februar 2018
  • Nederlands - Boodschap, 2 februari 2018
  • العربية - رسالة, فبر 2 2018
  • Русский - Послание, 2 Февраль, 2018
  • Українська - Послання, 2 лютий 2018
  • Slovenčina - Posolstvo, 2. február 2018
  • Беларуская - Пасланне, 2. люты 2018
  • Swahili - Ujumbe, 2 Februari 2018
Added February 2, 2018 /  Section: Our Lady of Medjugorje Messages - Category: Mirjana
Dear children, you whom my Son loves, you whom I love with an immeasurable motherly love, do not permit for selfishness, for self love, to rule the world. Do not permit for love and goodness to be hidden. You who are loved, who have come to know the love of my Son, remember that to be loved means to love. My children, have faith. When you have faith you are happy and are spreading peace; your soul trembles with joy. My Son is in such a soul. When you are giving yourself for the faith, when you are giving yourself for love, when you are doing good to your neighbor, my Son smiles in your soul. Apostles of my love, I am turning to you as a mother. I am gathering you around myself and I desire to lead you on the way of love and faith, on the way which leads to the light of the world. I am here for the sake of love, for the sake of faith, because with my motherly blessing I desire to give you hope and strength on your way – because the way which leads to my Son is not easy. It is full of renunciation, giving, sacrifice, forgiveness and much, much love. But this way leads to peace and happiness. My children, do not believe lying voices which speak to you about false things, false glitter. You, my children, return to the Scripture. I am looking at you with immeasurable love, and through God’s grace am making myself evident to you. My children, set out with me. May your soul tremble with joy. Thank you.
Added January 25, 2018 /  Section: Our Lady of Medjugorje Messages - Category: Monthly Messages
Dear children! May this time be for you a time of prayer, so that the Holy Spirit, through prayer, may descend upon you and give you conversion. Open your hearts and read the Sacred Scripture, that through the testimonies you also may be closer to God. Above everything, little children, seek God and the things of God and leave earthly ones to the earth, because Satan is attracting you to the dust and sin. You are called to holiness and created for Heaven; therefore, seek Heaven and the things of Heaven. Thank you for having responded to my call.
Added January 6, 2018 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos - Category: Medjugorje Messages, Music with pictures, Wide screen
Medjugorje Message January 2 2018
  • English - Message, 2 January 2018
  • Italiano - Messaggio, 2 gennaio 2018
  • Español - Mensaje, 2 de enero de 2018
  • Polski - Orędzie 2. styczeń 2018r.
  • Français - Message, 2. janvier 2018
  • Hrvatski - Poruka, 2. siječanj 2018.
  • Čeština - Poselství, 2. ledna 2018
  • Slovenčina - Posolstvo 2. január 2018
  • Slovenščina - Sporočilo, 2. januar 2018
  • Tiếng Việt - Thông điệp Medjugorje ngày, 2.Tháng Mười Hai 2018
  • Română - Mesaj din 2 ianuarie 2018
  • Русский - Послание, 2 Январь, 2018
  • Deutch - Botschaft 2. Januar 2018
  • Português - Mensagem, 2018.g. 2. janeiro
  • Українська - Послання, 2. студзень 2018
  • العربية - رسالة, يناير 2 2018
  • Беларуская - Пасланне, 2. студзень 2018
  • Swahili - Ujumbe, 2 Januari 2018
Added January 2, 2018 /  Section: Our Lady of Medjugorje Messages - Category: Mirjana
Dear children, When love is beginning to disappear on earth, when the way of salvation is not being found, I, the mother, am coming to help you to come to know true faith – living and profound – so as to help you to truly love. As a mother, I am longing for your mutual love, goodness, and purity. My desire is that you be just and that you love each other. My children, be joyful in your soul, be pure, be children. My Son used to say that he loves to be among pure hearts, because pure hearts are always young and joyful. My Son said to you to forgive and to love each other. I know that this is not always easy. Suffering makes you grow in spirit. For you to spiritually grow all the more, you must sincerely and truly forgive and love. Many of my children on earth do not know my Son, they do not love Him; but you who do love my Son, you who carry Him in your heart, pray, pray and in praying feel my Son beside you. May your soul breathe in His spirit. I am among you and am speaking about little and great things. I will not grow tired speaking to you about my Son – the true love. Therefore, my children, open your hearts to me. Permit me to lead you as a mother. Be apostles of the love of my Son and of me. As a mother I implore you not to forget those whom my Son has called to lead you. Carry them in your heart and pray for them. Thank you.
Added December 31, 2017 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos - Category: Medjugorje Messages, Music with pictures, Wide screen
Medjugorje Message December 25 2017
  • Italiano - Messaggio, 25 dicembre 2017
  • English - Message, December 25, 2017
  • Español - Mensaje, 25 de diciembre de 2017
  • Polski - Orędzie 25. grudzień 2017r.
  • Français - Message, 25 décembre 2017
  • Hrvatski - Poruka, 25. prosinac 2017.
  • Deutch - Botschaft 25. Dezember 2017
  • Čeština - Poselství, 25. prosince 2017
  • Slovenčina - Posolstvo 25. december 2017
  • Slovenščina - Sporočilo, 25. december 2017
  • Tiếng Việt - Thông điệp Medjugorje ngày, 25.Tháng Mười Hai 2017
  • Română - Mesaj din 2 decembrie 2017
  • Magyar - Üzenet, 2017.december 25
  • العربية - رسالة, ديسمبر 25 2017
  • Українська - Послання, 2 грудень 2017
Added December 25, 2017 /  Section: Our Lady of Medjugorje Messages - Category: Monthly Messages
Dear children! Today I am bringing to you my Son Jesus for Him to give you His peace and blessing. I am calling all of you, little children, to live and witness the graces and the gifts which you have received. Do not be afraid. Pray for the Holy Spirit to give you the strength to be joyful witnesses and people of peace and hope. Thank you for having responded to my call.
Added December 25, 2017 /  Section: Our Lady of Medjugorje Messages - Category: Jakov
At the last daily apparition to Jakov Colo on September 12th, 1998, Our Lady told him that henceforth he would have one apparition a year, every December 25th, on Christmas Day. This is also how it was this year. The apparition began at 2:07 pm and lasted 10 minutes. Afterwards Jakov transmitted the message:
Dear children, Today, on this day of grace, I am calling you to ask the Lord for the gift of faith. My children, decide for God and begin to live and to believe in that what God is calling you to. To believe, my children, means to surrender your lives into God's hands - the hands of the Lord who created you and who loves you immeasurably. Do not be believers only in words but live and witness your faith through works and through your personal example. Speak with God as with your Father. Open and surrender your hearts to Him and you will see how your hearts are changing and how your life will marvel at God's works in your life. My children, there is no life without God and that is why, as your mother, I intercede before, and pray to, my Son to renew your hearts and to fill your life with immeasurable love. Thank you for having responed to my call.
Added December 9, 2017 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos - Category: Medjugorje Messages, Music with pictures, Wide screen
Medjugorje Message December 2 2017
  • Italiano - Messaggio, 2 dicembre 2017
  • English - Message, December 2, 2017
  • Español - Mensaje, 2 de diciembre de 2017
  • Polski - Orędzie 2. grudzień 2017r.
  • Français - Message, 2 décembre 2017
  • Hrvatski - Poruka, 2. prosinac 2017.
  • Deutch - Botschaft 2. Dezember 2017
  • Čeština - Poselství, 2. prosince 2017
  • Português - Mensagem, 2017.g. 2. dezembro
  • Slovenčina - Posolstvo 2. december 2017
  • Română - Mesaj din 2 decembrie 2017
  • Tiếng Việt - Thông điệp Medjugorje ngày, 2.Tháng Mười Hai 2017
  • العربية - رسالة, ديسمبر 2 2017
  • Українська - Послання, 2 грудень 2017
  • Беларуская - Пасланне, 2. снежань 2017
  • Nederlands - Boodschap, 2 december 2017
Added December 2, 2017 /  Section: Our Lady of Medjugorje Messages - Category: Mirjana
Dear children, I turn to you as your mother, the mother of the just, the mother of those who love and suffer, the mother of those who are holy. My children, you too can be holy – this depends on you. Those who are holy are those who immeasurably love the Heavenly Father, those who love Him above all. Therefore, my children, always strive to be better. If you strive to be good you can be holy even though you may not think so of yourselves. If you think that you are good, you are not humble, and arrogance distances you from holiness. In this peaceless world full of threats, your hands, apostles of my love, should be extended in prayer and mercy.

And to me, my children, give the gift of the rosary, the roses which I love so much. My roses are your prayers pronounced with the heart and not only recited with the lips. My roses are your acts of prayer, faith and love. When my Son was little, he said to me that my children would be numerous and that they would bring me many roses. I did not comprehend Him. Now I know that you are those children who are bringing me roses when, above all, you love my Son, when you pray with the heart, when you help the poorest.

Those are my roses. That is the faith which makes everything in life be done through love, not knowing arrogance, and always ready to forgive; never judging, always striving to understand one’s brother. Therefore, apostles of my love, pray for those who do not know how to love, for those who do not love you, for those who have done evil to you, for those who have not come to know the love of my Son. My children, I ask this of you because, remember, to pray means to love and to forgive. Thank you.
Added November 28, 2017 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos - Category: Medjugorje Messages, Music with pictures, Wide screen
Medjugorje Message November 25 2017
  • Italiano - Messaggio, 25 novembre 2017
  • English - Message, November 25, 2017
  • Hrvatski - Poruka, 25. studeni 2017.
  • Español - Mensaje, 25 de noviembre de 2017
  • Português - Mensagem, 2017.g. 25. novembro
  • Deutch - Botschaft 25. November 2017
  • Français - Message, 25. novembre 2017
  • Polski - Orędzie 25. listopad 2017r.
  • Čeština - Poselství, 25. listopadu 2017
  • Slovenčina - Posolstvo 25. november 2017
  • Slovenščina - Sporočilo, 25. november 2017
  • Română - Mesaj din 25 noiembrie 2017
  • Magyar - Üzenet, 2017.november 25
  • Tiếng Việt - Thông điệp ngày, 25.Tháng Mười Một 2017
  • 25 2017 العربية - رسالة, نوفمبر
  • Українська - Послання, 25. листопад 2017
  • Беларуская - Пасланне, 25. лістапад 2017
Added November 25, 2017 /  Section: Our Lady of Medjugorje Messages - Category: Monthly Messages
Dear children! In this time of grace, I call you to prayer. Pray and seek peace, little children. He who came here on earth to give you His peace, regardless of who you are and what you are – He, my Son, your Brother – through me is calling you to conversion, because without God you do not have a future or eternal life. Therefore, believe and pray and live in grace and the expectation of your personal meeting with Him. Thank you for having responded to my call.
Added November 7, 2017 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos - Category: Medjugorje Messages, Music with pictures, Wide screen
Medjugorje Message November 2 2017
  • Italiano - Messaggio, 2 novembre 2017
  • English - Message, November 2, 2017
  • Español - Mensaje, 2 de noviembre de 2017
  • Français - Message, 2. novembre 2017
  • Deutch - Botschaft 2. November 2017
  • Čeština - Poselství, 2. listopadu 2017
  • Hrvatski - Poruka, 2. studeni 2017.
  • Português - Mensagem, 2017.g. 2. novembro
  • Slovenčina - Posolstvo 2. november 2017
  • Română - Mesaj din 2 noiembrie 2017
  • Русский - Послание, 2 Ноябрь, 2017
  • Slovenščina - Sporočilo, 2. november 2017
  • Tiếng Việt - Thông điệp Medjugorje ngày, 2.Tháng Mười Một 2017
  • العربية - رسالة, نوفمبر 2 2017
  • Українська - Послання, 2. листопад 2017
  • Беларуская - Пасланне, 2. лістапад 2017
  • Nederlands - Boodschap, 2 november 2017
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