Music with pictures

Added January 13, 2011 /  Category: Music with pictures, Wide screen
Lourdes France Awakening

ENGLISH The first hours of the day in the Accueil Notre Dame (Lourdes) --- ITALIANO Le prime ore della giornata nel Notre Dame di Lourdes.

Added December 31, 2010 /  Category: Music with pictures
Douce Nuit Silent Night Medjugorje Choir Tele Lumiere

Medjugorje's Choir presenting this religious song during a Christmas concert

Added December 31, 2010 /  Category: Music with pictures, Wide screen
Immanuel Songs Of Praise

Choirs of school children from Cheshire and the Wirral celebrate Epiphany in Chester Cathedral singing Michael Card's 'Emmanuel'

Added December 23, 2010 /  Category: Music with pictures, Song lyrics included
Here With Us Joy Williams Christmas Inspirational Video

Christmas inspitarional video created to promote Peace & Love in the World.

Added December 19, 2010 /  Category: Music with pictures, Wide screen
Krizevac Finding God In Nature

Cross Mountain in Medjugorje. Immaculate place of nature for praying and find an encounter with God. A masterpiece of Heaven.

Monte Križevac a Medjugorje. Luogo di natura incontaminata in cui pregare e trovare l'incontro con Dio. Un capolavoro del cielo.

Added December 4, 2010 /  Category: Spirituality, Music with pictures
Hildegard Of Bingen Spiritus Sanctus

Spiritus Sanctus, the second Antiphone and Psalm 110/111 from the vesper of Hildegard von Bingen.

Admiring the height of God´s Creation, praising him, thanking him.

Together with the photos of Marcus "Coy Dog" Werner. Photos, visualizing God´s splendor in bees, butterflys, birds and flowers.

Added November 18, 2010 /  Category: Song lyrics included, Music with pictures
Doris Dragovic Maria Magdalena
Added November 13, 2010 /  Category: Music with pictures
Medjugorje I Need You Jesus
Added October 30, 2010 /  Category: Music with pictures, Wide screen, Medjugorje Pilgrimages
Medjugorje Last Holy Land
Added October 17, 2010 /  Category: Music with pictures, Wide screen, Medjugorje Pilgrimages / Author: Jerry Morin
Live The Message
Added September 25, 2010 /  Category: Music with pictures, Wide screen
Mystery Of Medjugorje
Added September 3, 2010 /  Category: Music with pictures, Festival Mladifest, Wide screen
Youth Festival Medjugorje 2010 Song Every Nation
Added August 27, 2010 /  Category: Music with pictures, Medjugorje Pilgrimages
Medjugorje Photos Music
Added August 22, 2010 /  Category: Music with pictures, Festival Mladifest, Wide screen
Youth Festival Medjugorje 2010 Photos
Added August 8, 2010 , Last update August 17, 2010 /  Category: Music with pictures, Festival Mladifest, Wide screen
Sanctus Mladifest 2010

Included lyrics in Latino, English, Italiano, Español, Français, Deutsch, Nederlands, Polski, Português, Русский, Česky, Tiếng Việt

Added August 10, 2010 /  Category: Music with pictures, Festival Mladifest
Holy Communion Youth Festival Mladifest Medjugorje 2010
Added August 8, 2010 /  Category: Music with pictures, Festival Mladifest
Beginning Festival Of Youth Medjugorje 2010

Beginning of Festival of Youth in Medjugorje, songs, Mass and adoration.

Inizio del Festival dei Giovani a Medjugorje, canti, Messa e adorazione.

Added June 3, 2010 /  Category: Medjugorje Pilgrimages, Music with pictures
Christe Domine Jesu Christ Lord Jesus
Added May 29, 2010 /  Category: Spirituality, Song lyrics included, Music with pictures
Cecilia Pie Jesu

"Pie Jesu" is from Cecilia's album "The Healing Voice", and this is a simple but very touching prayer.

Added May 21, 2010 /  Category: Spirituality, Song lyrics included, Music with pictures
Come Holy Spirit
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