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Medjugorje WebSite Updates

Added April 26, 1984 /  Section: Our Lady of Medjugorje Messages - Category: Weekly Messages
No message was given by Our Lady.
Added April 19, 1984 /  Section: Our Lady of Medjugorje Messages - Category: Weekly Messages
Dear children! Sympathize with me! Pray, pray, pray!
Added April 12, 1984 /  Section: Our Lady of Medjugorje Messages - Category: Weekly Messages
Dear children! Today I beseech you to stop slandering and to pray for the unity of the parish, because I and my Son have a special plan for this parish. Thank you for having responded to my call.
Added April 5, 1984 /  Section: Our Lady of Medjugorje Messages - Category: Weekly Messages
Dear children! This evening I pray you especially to venerate the Heart of my Son, Jesus. Make reparation for the wound inflicted on the Heart of my Son. That Heart is offended by all kinds of sins. Thank you for coming this evening.
Added March 29, 1984 /  Section: Our Lady of Medjugorje Messages - Category: Weekly Messages
Dear children! In a special way this evening I am calling you to perseverance in trials. Consider how the Almighty is still suffering today on account of your sins. So when sufferings come, offer them up as a sacrifice to God. Thank you for having responded to my call.
Added March 22, 1984 /  Section: Our Lady of Medjugorje Messages - Category: Weekly Messages
Dear children! In a special way this evening I am calling you during Lent to honor the wounds of my Son, which He received from the sins of this parish. Unite yourselves with my prayers for the parish so that His sufferings may be bearable. Thank you for having responded to my call. Try to come in ever greater numbers.
Added March 15, 1984 /  Section: Our Lady of Medjugorje Messages - Category: Weekly Messages
Tonight also, dear children, I am grateful to you in a special way for being here. Unceasingly adore the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. I am always present when the faithful are adoring. Special graces are then being received.
Added March 8, 1984 /  Section: Our Lady of Medjugorje Messages - Category: Weekly Messages
Thank you for having responded to my call! Dear children, you in the parish, be converted. This is my other wish. That way all those who shall come here shall be able to convert.
Added March 1, 1984 /  Section: Our Lady of Medjugorje Messages - Category: Weekly Messages
Dear children! I have chosen this parish in a special way and I wish to lead it. I am guarding it in love and I want everyone to be mine. Thank you for having responded tonight. I wish you always to be with me and my Son in ever greater numbers. I shall speak a message to you every Thursday.
Added December 25, 1982 /  Section: Our Lady of Medjugorje Messages - Category: Mirjana
Other languages: English, Deutsch, Español, Français, Hrvatski, Italiano, Polski
Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo had daily apparitions from June 24, 1981 to December 25, 1982. On that day, Our Lady told her:
Mirjana, I chose you, and I told you everything that is necessary. I entrusted you with the knowledge of many abominations, which you must carry with dignity. Think of me, and how much I too shed tears because of this. You must always be brave. You quickly understood my messages, and so you must understand that now I must leave. Be brave... !
Entrusting to her the tenth secret, Our Lady told her that for the rest of her life she would have one yearly apparition, on March 18th.