Medjugorje Website Updates by month اُكتبر, 2005

اُكتبر 2 2005 /  Section: Our Lady of Medjugorje Messages - Category: Mirjana
Other languages: English, Български, Italiano, Română, Tiếng Việt, زبان_فارسی
فرزندان عزيزم! مانند يك مادر به سوي شما آمده و فرزندم را كه آرامش و محبت است برايتان آورده‌ام. قلبهايتان را پاك كرده و فرزندم را بگيريد. آرامش حقيقت و شادي را به ديگران بدهيد.
اُكتبر 4 2005 /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Testimonies, Interviews
Other languages: English, Čeština, Deutsch, Hrvatski, Italiano
Testimony Domenico Pecile

On other places of pilgrimage where Our Lady was appearing, some miracles have happened, and this is beautiful. But here, for such a long time, Our Lady is giving messages, is continuing to speak. I would say that, here, Our Lady continues to speak to the humanity. She is not doing it from a pulpit, but as a mother. Those who want to hear and to obey – they listen. Those who do not want – they don’t listen. Our Lady is continuing to speak here. I think that this is because the time, in which we live, is powerful and important as no time before. I our time, Our Lady is observing as a mother, seeing our reality and coming to help us to think again about our way of life and about the world in which we live.

اُكتبر 25 2005 /  Section: Our Lady of Medjugorje Messages - Category: Monthly Messages
فرزندان كوچكم! ايمان داشته باشيد و دعا كنيد و عشق بورزيد. و خداوند نزديك شما خواهد بود. او هديه فيض را كه از او طلب مي‌كنيد به شما خواهد داد. من هديه اي هستم براي شما زيرا روز به روز خداوند به من اجازه مي‌دهد كه با شما باشم و هر كدام از شما را با محبتي معصوم دوست داشته باشم. بنابراين فرزندان كوچكم در دعا و فروتني قلبهايتان را باز كنيد و شاهديني از حضور من باشيد. متشكرم از اينكه پيغام مرا شنيديد.
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