Medjugorje Website Updates by month ژوئيه, 2011

ژوئيه 2 2011 /  Section: Our Lady of Medjugorje Messages - Category: Mirjana
فرزندان عزيزم. امروزشما را به يك مرحله سخت و دردناك در اتحاد با فرزندم ميخوانم. از شما مي‌خواهم براي خالص و پاك شدن، پذيرش و اعتراف به گناهانتان را كامل كنيد. يك قلب ناپاك نمي‌تواند در پسر من باشد و با پسرم باشد. يك قلب ناپاك نميـتواند ميوه خوبي از عشق در يگانگي و اتحاد بياورد. يك قلب ناپاك نميتواند هر چيزي را تشخيص دهد . آن نمي‌تواند براي كساني كه در اطرافش هستيد زيبايي از عشق خداوند ارائه دهد. و همچنين براي كساني كه براي شناخت عشق خداوند نمي‌آيند. شما فرزندان در اطراف من جمع شده ايد پر از شور و شوق و ميل و انتظار ، و من شفاعت ميكنم به پدر خوب كه به وسيله روح‌القدس ايمان به فرزند مرا در قلبهاي خالص شما قراردهد. فرزندانم. به من گوش دهيد و همراه با من باشيد.“
ژوئيه 13 2011 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Medjugorje Apparitions, Wide screen
Medjugorje Apparition Mirjana July 2011
ژوئيه 14 2011 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Italian only
Raidue Sulla Via Di Damasco Pellegrinaggio Medjugorje

Tratto dal programma di RAIDUE "Sulla via di Damasco" condotto da Monsignor Giovanni D'Ercole.

ژوئيه 14 2011 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Medjugorje Messages / Author: Wise84
Medjugorje Message June 25 2011
ژوئيه 15 2011 /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Medjugorje News
Reported Visions Of Virgin Mary Draw Hordes Pilgrims Bosnian Village

The warm surf of La Jolla, Calif., isn't a setting people associate with the Virgin Mary. But on many days, there is a surfer whose passion for the perfect wave is nothing compared to his head-over-heels love for the Holy Mother.

His name is Donald Calloway and he picked up surfing as a military brat bouncing around the United States and Japan.

He also picked up marijuana, heroin, LSD, shoplifting and money laundering for the Japanese mafia. By the age of 20, he had a rap sheet, a drug habit and serious thoughts of suicide.

"After having gone to two rehabs, been in jail, kicked out of a foreign country, I was at my crisis in life. ... I picked up a book that my parents had on their bookshelf about the Virgin Mary," Calloway said.

ژوئيه 17 2011 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Italian only
Inchieste Misteri Di Medjugorje
ژوئيه 17 2011 /  Section: Picture & Photo Galleries - Category: Medjugorje Photos - Pictures Gallery
ژوئيه 17 2011 /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Spiritual Life
Monica Journey Forgiveness

During the 70’s, in Germany. Monica was 17 when she lost her mother whom she loved very much. She was left behind with three siblings and her father who was a non-practicing protestant and an architect near Bonn. Monica detested her father. He had very little interaction with his children, so she found him cold, rigid, and insensitive. Since she was unable to connect with him on a heart level, she moved out at 17, using her studies as an excuse.

ژوئيه 24 2011 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Music with pictures
Medjugorje Youthfest Orchestra And Choir

Medjugorje Youthfest Orchestra and Choir performing at the International Youth Festival in Medjugorje, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

ژوئيه 25 2011 /  Section: Our Lady of Medjugorje Messages - Category: Monthly Messages
فرزندان عزيزم. اكنون كه زمان دعا و سكوت و استراحت در بدنها وروحتان در عشق خداوند مي‌باشد به من اجازه بدهيد فرزندان كوچكم كه شما را هدايت كنم و قلبهايتان را براي روح‌القدس بازكنيد كه تمام نيكويي‌ها در شما شكوفه خواهد آورد و 100 برابر ميوه خواهد داد. شروع و پايان روز را با قلبتان دعا كنيد. متشكرم از اينكه پيغام مرا شنيديد.
ژوئيه 30 2011 , Originally published اوت 13 2010 /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Charitable projects
Cnn Heroes 2010 Top 10 Cnn Magnus Macfarlane Barrow Marys Meals

Argyll, Scotland (CNN) -- Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow was enjoying a pint at his local pub in the Scottish Highlands when he got an idea that would change his life -- and the lives of thousands of others.

It was 1992, and MacFarlane-Barrow and his brother Fergus had just seen a news report about refugee camps in Bosnia. The images of people suffering in the war-torn country shocked the two salmon farmers, who'd visited there as teenagers and remembered the warmth of the Bosnian people.

"We began saying 'Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could just do one small thing to help?' " MacFarlane-Barrow says.

ژوئيه 30 2011 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Charity, Wide screen
Cnn Heroes 2010 Magnus Macfarlane Barrow Marys Meals
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