Medjugorje Videos[EN]

Selection of Quality Online Video by month فوريه, 2013

Languages: English, Italiano
فوريه 3 2013 /  Category: Testimonies, Wide screen
Wywiad Ocalona Z Piekla Ania Goledzinowska Godzina Prawdy
فوريه 3 2013 /  Category: Italian only
Svolta Storie Conversione Cristianesimo Claudia Koll
فوريه 7 2013 /  Category: Medjugorje Apparitions, Wide screen
Apparition Mirjana February 2013
فوريه 8 2013 /  Category: Italian only, Wide screen
Viaggio A Padre Livio Fanzaga Direttore Radio Maria Medjugorje
فوريه 17 2013 /  Category: Italian only, Visionaries, Wide screen
Testimonianza Di Mirjana Dragicevic Trieste
فوريه 17 2013 /  Category: Medjugorje Pilgrimages, Documentary, Wide screen
Medjugorje In Premiera

One of the best documentaries about Medjugorje phenomenon and pilgrimages. Together with professional, well edited footage and impressive soundtrack, provides brief information about Medjugorje, visionaries and apparitions. The video also very well catches the atmosphere of Medjugorje, gives glimpse of experiences of pilgrims, their thoughts, emotions, lessons learned and their motivation to come to Medjugorje.

فوريه 3 2013 , Last update فوريه 23 2013 /  Category: Medjugorje Messages, Music with pictures, Wide screen
Medjugorje Message February 2 2013
  • Italiano - Messaggio, 2 febbraio 2013
  • English - Message, February 2, 2013
  • Română - Mesaj din 2 februarie 2013
  • Slovenščina - Sporočilo, 2. februar 2013
  • Español - Mensaje, 2 de febrero de 2013
  • Français - Message, 2. février 2013
  • Português - Mensagem, 2013.g. 2. fevereiro
  • Polski - Orędzie 2. luty 2013r
  • Русский - Послание, 2 Февраль, 2013
  • Hrvatski - Poruka, 2. veljača 2013.
  • Čeština - Poselství 2. února 2013
فوريه 23 2013 /  Category: Documentary
Viaggio A Chiara Luce Badano

Il Programma di Paolo Brosio Viaggio a... Racconta la Storia della Beata Chiara Luce Badano.

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