Downloadable Videos

Languages: English, Italiano
4 toukokuu 2008 /  Category: Downloadable / Author: Steve

Immaculate Mary pics of Walsingham , the UK national shrine of our Lady and a song by Paul Lisney called Immaculate Mary see for music and our site

2 maaliskuu 2008 /  Category: Downloadable / Author: Steve

Video Exodus

A series of artworks depicting scenes from the book of Exodus with a beautiful soundtrack by a Messianic Jewish band called Katuv. See and

24 helmikuu 2008 /  Category: Downloadable

Pictures of Mother Teresa in her work for the poor and a beautiful song called ‘Real Love’ by Peter Mason which sums up her life of self giving & sacrifice. A timely reflection for lent perhaps. Links: where songs can be downloaded etc and also

2 syyskuu 2007 , Last update 29 tammikuu 2008 /  Category: Medjugorje Pilgrimages, Music with pictures, Downloadable / Author: Steve
Medjugorje Come To Me

A new video composed from Medjugorje photos by Marek Gayer from Pictures & Photos Gallery section of Medjugorje WebSite with soundtrack "Come to me" by Paul Lisney. The video was made by Steve from

27 tammikuu 2008 /  Category: Medjugorje Pilgrimages, Music with pictures, Downloadable
Immaculate Mary

Video accompanied with the song Immaculate Mary, written in Medjugorje and performed by Pio Patrick from, where you can find more informations and lyrics of the song.

You can also freely download or listen to the song Immaculate Mary.

9 helmikuu 2007 , Last update 12 tammikuu 2008 /  Category: Medjugorje Pilgrimages, Music with pictures, Downloadable / Author: Steve
Medjugorje Miracles Grace Youtube

A video composed from Medjugorje photos by Marek Gayer from Pictures & Photos Gallery section of Medjugorje WebSite and soundtrack "Amazing House of Grace" by Higher Ground band.

1 tammikuu 2008 /  Category: Medjugorje Apparitions, Downloadable
Video Mirjana Apparition 12 2007
Medjugorje WebSite