Medjugorje News & Articles

20. srpanj 2005 /  Category: Molitve, Medjugorje News
Other languages: English, Hrvatski, Italiano
"7th" International Meeting for Priests at the School of Mary in Medjugorje

Source: medjugorje-hr

This prayer has been made by the priests during the "7th International Meeting for Priests at the School of Mary" in Medjugorje.

Bezgrešna Djevice Marijo, Majko naša, Kraljice Mira, mi svećenici, Tvoji predragi sinovi, želimo se danas posvetiti Tvom Bezgrešnom Srcu.

Ovim činom posvete hoćemo s Tobom i Tvojom pomoću provoditi u život sve obaveze što smo ih preuzeli svojim krsnim i svećeničkim posvećenjem.

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