Web address of the page: https://www.medjugorje.ws/hu/messages/2007/listfull 
www.medjugorje.ws » Üzenet közül Medjugorje » Üzenet közül Medjugorje of year 2007

Üzenet közül Medjugorje of year 2007

Reflections for the messages of year 2007

  The reflection for Message of 2007.január 25
Put sacred scripture in a visible place
Ljubo Kurtović
  The reflection for Message of 2007.február 25
Open your Heart to the God's mercy
Ljubo Kurtović
  The reflection for Message of 2007.március 25
Fasting and renunciation will make you stronger in faith
Ljubo Kurtović
  The reflection for Message of 2007.április 25
This is a merciful time while I am with you
Ljubo Kurtović
  The reflection for Message of 2007.május 25
Searching for God's will
Ljubo Kurtović
  The reflection for Message of 2007.június 25
Open yourself to this great mercy
Ljubo Kurtović
  The reflection for Message of 2007.július 25
Let prayer be like the air that you breathe
Ljubo Kurtović
  The reflection for Message of 2007.augusztus 25
May your life be a reflection of God's goodness
Ljubo Kurtović
  The reflection for Message of 2007.szeptember 25
Prayer – Path towards perfect love
Danko Perutina
  The reflection for Message of 2007.október 25
Be the Love and the Light
Danko Perutina
  The reflection for Message of 2007.november 25
Jesus – The King of our lives
Danko Perutina
  The reflection for Message of 2007.december 25
Jesus Christ is the king of our hearts
Danko Perutina