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Medjugorje Website Updates

14 november 2009 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Medjugorje News
Vatican Officially Comment Apparitions Medjugorje

Cardinal Vinko Puljic of Sarajevo recently said that the Vatican will officially comment on the supposed apparitions of the Virgin in Medjugorje.

14 november 2009 /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Visionaries, Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo
Mirjana Dragicevic Answers Questions Pilgrims

A talk (question and answer session) given by Mirjana in the Oasis of Peace on 3rd October 2009

Mirjana: We will start our meeting with one Hail Mary. Queen of Peace, Pray for us.

We have gathered so that you may ask whatever you may be interested in. Anything that can help you to understand Medjugorje, and if I know, I will be so glad to respond to you because I desire with my entire heart that you may understand what Our Lady desires from us. The first thing is, she invited you. She needs apostles. That’s why feel free to ask anything that can help you.

14 november 2009 /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Other
7 november 2009 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Spirituality, Wide screen
Year For Priests

Pope Benedict XVI has declared a “Year for Priests” beginning with the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus on June 19, 2009. The year will conclude in Rome with an international gathering of priests with the Holy Father from June 9-11, 2010.

6 november 2009 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Medjugorje Apparitions / Author: Vittorio, Bologna
Apparition Mirjana November 2009

An apparition of Our Lady of Medjugorje for Mirjana, 2. November 2009

2 november 2009 /  Section: Medjugorje Budskapene - Category: Mirjana
"Kjære barn. Også i dag er jeg blant dere for å peke på den veien som vil hjelpe dere til å få kjenne Guds kjærlighet, den kjærligheten fra Gud som tillater at dere kaller Ham Far og kan oppfatte Ham som Far. Jeg ber dere om å se oppriktig inn i hjertene deres og se hvor mye dere elsker Ham. Er Han den siste til å bli elsket? Omgitt av materielle goder, hvor mange ganger har dere forrådt, fornektet og forglemt Ham? Mine barn, ikke narr dere selv med verdens goder. Tenk på sjelen deres for den er viktigere enn kroppen, så rens den. Påkall Faderen. Han venter på deg. Kom tilbake til Ham. Jeg er med dere fordi Han ,i sin barmhjertighet, sender meg. Takk alle sammen! "
1 november 2009 /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Testimonies / Author: Lavinia Tai
The wedding photo of Lavinia Tai, taken in a ceremony to consecrate her virginity to the Lord 9 months after she returned from Medjugorje

... "My journey to this small distant village between two mountains will always remain as one of the most memorable events in my life. Truly Medjugoje has changed my views and perceptions about life. Because of Medjugorje, I live my life all over again. I cried the day I left Medjugorje knowing that I will miss this place all my life."

1 november 2009 /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Testimonies / Author: Lavinia Tai
Priests (illustration photo)

When I was only nine years old, I used to go around telling everyone that I wanted to be a priest. At that time I wasn't even baptized yet (I was baptized at the age of eleven) but even then I had already fallen in love with Jesus. I used to go to the bookshop near my school to buy pictures of Jesus and I used to look at these pictures and talked to Jesus for ages. It never occurred to me then that there are no women Catholic Priests!

1 november 2009 , Originally published november, 2007 /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Testimonies
Interview Nicole Bettini Consecrated Virgin

Nicole Bettini, 29, of St. Peter in Forest Lake has become a consecrated virgin during a consecration rite Nov. 17, 2007 at St. Peter. She serves as the parish's director of youth and family apostolate and as coordinator of confirmation. Archbishop Harry Flynn was presiding at the Mass.

31 oktober 2009 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Music with pictures, Wide screen
All Saints Day

All Saints' Day (officially the Solemnity of All Saints and also called All Hallows or Hallowmas), often shortened to All Saints, is a solemnity celebrated on 1 November in Western Christianity, and on the first Sunday after Pentecost in Eastern Christianity in honor of all the saints, known and unknown.

25 oktober 2009 /  Section: Medjugorje Budskapene - Category: Månedlige budskapene
"Kjære barn! Også i dag bringer jeg dere min velsignelse. Jeg velsigner dere alle og jeg kaller dere til å vokse på denne veien som Gud har påbegynt gjennom meg for å frelse dere. Be, fast og gi gledesfulle vitnesbyrd om troen deres, små barn, og måtte hjertene deres alltid være fylt med bønn. Takk for at dere har svart på mitt kall. "
24 oktober 2009 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Music with pictures, Wide screen
Blessed Mary Mother Church Christ
17 oktober 2009 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Medjugorje Messages / Author: Totus Tuus Production
Mirjana September 2009 Message

Video and music accompanying the message of Our Lady of Medjugorje for Mirjana, 2. September 2009

10 oktober 2009 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Music with pictures, Medjugorje Pilgrimages
Sweet Queen Peace
8 oktober 2009 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Medjugorje Apparitions / Author: Vittorio, Bologna
Apparition Mirjana October 2009

An apparition of Our Lady of Medjugorje for Mirjana, 2. October 2009

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