Medjugorje Website Updates

25.outubro.2007. /  Section: Medjugorje Mensagens - Category: Mensagens Cada mês
Queridos filhos! Deus Me enviou entre vocês por amor, para conduzi-los pelo caminho da salvação. Muitos de vocês têm aberto seus corações e têm aceitado Minhas mensagens, porém muitos se perderam neste caminho e nunca conheceram, com todo o coração, o Deus do Amor. Por isso os convido: sejam vocês amor e luz onde há escuridão e pecado. Estou com vocês e os abençôo a todos. Obrigada por terem respondido ao Meu chamado!
21.outubro.2007. /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Interviews
Other languages: English, Čeština, Deutsch, Hrvatski, Italiano
Jose Rodriguez Carballo

Fr. Jose Rodriguez Carballo, Minister General of the Franciscan Order, visited Medjugorje on October 8th, 2007. He was in Herzegovina from October 7 to 10, visiting the friars of the Herzegovinian Franciscan Province of the Assumption of Mary. Dragan Soldo spoke with him for Radio Mir Medjugorje.

21.outubro.2007. /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Medjugorje Apparitions
Apparition Mirjana 2001

Apparition of Our Lady, Queen of Peace at Comunity Cenacolo at Medjugorje, 18 March 2001

21.outubro.2007. /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Testimonies / Author: Linda Casella
Sacred Encounter

It is not difficult to know to whom to dedicate this short story.
I give God all the praise and glory.


This testimony strongly advices readers against looking at the sun. The extent of the damage that may occur by looking at the sun even for a brief period is blindness, severe damage to the eye’s retina due to solar radiation and disorder of color pigments. The danger to vision is significant because injuries and damage occur to the eyes without feeling any pain. Needless to state, I shall not be responsible in any manner to a person who might suffer any damage and injury by looking at the sun even for a brief period, thus, dangerously exposing his/her own vision.

25.setembro.2007. /  Section: Medjugorje Mensagens - Category: Mensagens Cada mês
Queridos filhos! Também hoje os convido a inflamarem os seus corações sempre mais ardentemente de amor pelo Crucificado e não esqueçam que por amor a vocês deu a Sua vida para que vocês fossem salvos. Filhinhos, meditem e orem para que seus corações se abram ao Amor de Deus. Obrigada por terem respondido a Meu chamado.
20.setembro.2007. /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Priests of Medjugorje, Interviews / Author: Francesco Cavagna
Other languages: English, Deutsch, Français, Italiano
Ljubo Kurtovic Not Leaving Our Lady Behind
Fr. Ljubo, with this interview I’d like to sum up your experience at Medjugorje over these past seven years. Let’s start from the beginning. How did you feel when you were told you’d be coming here?

I was a young priest - ordained four years previously. The parish priest then was Fr. Pervan, and when I was told I’d be coming here as a spiritual assistant it frightened me a little. Being newly ordained it came as a challenge. I’d thus far come to Medjugorje as a pilgrim, and it was here that I decided to become a monk; after that I came here a few times also to help with the confessions. It is totally different to come here every now and again, and to live here. To live here is like an immersion; you live Mary’s presence in your heart.

20.setembro.2007. , Originally published setembro, 2002 /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Visionaries, Jelena Vasilj, Interviews, Spiritual Life / Author: Sr. Emmanuel
Other languages: English, Deutsch, Polski
Jelena Vasilj Relationships Marriage

On August 24, 2002, Jelena Vasilj got married to Massimiliano Valente in St James Church, Medjugorje.   It was indeed a very prayerful and joyful wedding!   Visionary, Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti, was Jelena's Maid of Honor. Rarely do we see such beautiful and striking newly weds!   A week before the wedding, they visited our home and shared at length about their values as a christian couple.  Let's remember that Jelena had been taught by Our Lady herself for many years, through inner locutions, under the wings of Fr. Tomislav Vlasic, and she was chosen by Our Lady to lead a prayer group until she started her studies in the US in 1991. I'll start reporting here some of Jelena's answers to my questions.

11.setembro.2007. /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Medjugorje News
Other languages: English, Čeština, Hrvatski, Italiano
Collaborators Queen Peace

A prayer initiative called “Collaborators of the Queen of Peace” was born in November 2004, in Zadar (Croatia). It was inspired by the repeated calls of Our Lady: “Pray, pray, pray”. The fundamental characteristic of this prayer initiative is to find half an hour a day for prayer.

New members are joining progressively, and today there are 600 of them. All of them are aware of their promise that their day is not over before they have found half an hour for God in prayer. It can be Rosary, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament or other prayers, or just to stay in the church for half an hour – even without words.

By now, this initiative has been accepted in 22 countries (Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Spain, Italy, germany, Austria, Poland, Denmark, Switzerland, France, Malta, Albania, Serbia, Slovenia, Portugal, the USA, Argentina, Montenegro, anada, Lebanon, DR Congo and China). New members are always welcome, because Our Lady is amply underlining the need of prayer.

This prayer initiative has been launched and is led by Mons. Eduard Pericic, professor of Church History in Zadar, and regular member of the Pontifical Marian Academy in Rome. From the very beginning of the apparitions, he is observing the spiritual events of Medjugorje and writing about them.

Contact: Mons. Eduard Pericic, Trg sv. Stosije 1, Zadar, Croatia.

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1.setembro.2007. , Última atualização 8.setembro.2007. /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: news / Author: Marek Gayer
Site News
  • News & Articles now will be published in English, German, French, Spanish, Italian and Polish languages
  • You can easily switch to different language versions - Medjugorje Apparitions, Articles, Messages and Novena sections and its pages displays links to other available language versions, if available
  • You can now contact webmaster directly by e-mail and not only through contact form. It is recommended to contact webmaster by e-mail instead of contact form. In case of contact form, sometimes my eventual reply may not arrive to you, because of settings of antispam software you use. In the cases you expected reply which you did not received (e.g. after 2 weeks), please do not hesitate to ask me if I received your message or e-mail and/or if I sent you any reply.
  • Improved design of introductory page and navigation
  • By default, guestbook shows items from currently selected language, however it is still possible to display records of all languages.
  • Guestbook records are no longer displayed in detailed list of updates of the website.
4.setembro.2007. /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Festival Mladifest / Author: Klošar
Medjugorje Jugendfestival 2007

Medjugorje Jugendfestival 2007

3.setembro.2007. /  Section: Picture & Photo Galleries - Category: Medjugorje Photos - Pictures Gallery, Youth Festival 'Mladifest', Medjugorje / Author: Petr Chvatík

Includes also 12 photos from Youth Festival Mladifest in 2004

23.junho.2003. , Última atualização 3.setembro.2007.

This gallery folder contains hundreds of Medjugorje photos. The folder is organized by albums with photos from Medjugorje and closest surrounding area, which is interested for pilgrims. Also there are pictures taken during various occasions such as Christmas and New Years Eve, Easter, International Festival of Youth in Summer, Solemnity of Holy Cross on Krizevac Mountain, Anniversary of apparitions.

2.setembro.2007. /  Section: Medjugorje Mensagens - Category: Mirjana
Queridos filhos, nestes tempos de sinais de Deus, não tenhais medo porque Eu estou convosco O grande Amor de Deus envia-Me para conduzir-vos à salvação. Dai-me os vossos corações simples, purificados com jejum e oração. Só na simplicidade dos vossos corações está a vossa salvação. Eu estarei convosco e vos guiarei. Obrigada.
8.junho.2006. , Última atualização 2.setembro.2007. /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Prayers / Author: Marek Gayer
Praying the Holy Rosary at 18'o clock


In Medjugorje, every day the Rosary prayer is being prayed in the St. James Church or before the Church - at the exterior altar (starting from 17 in summertime or 18'o clock of Central European Time in wintertime), with most parts recited in Croatian language. One may wish to pray the Rosary prayer in this "native language of Gospa" for various reasons. It could e.g. help when our thoughts fly and it's hard to concentrate for prayer or we miss company in prayer or Medjugorje in general. One may also listen to recited Croatian components by the priests and pray the rest in the native language.

1.setembro.2007. , Originally published 2.julho.2005. /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Testimonies
Other languages: English, Čeština, Deutsch, Hrvatski, Italiano
Crown Stars Our Lady Lourdes Statue James Church

Testimony by Angel Maria Garcia Alvarez, architect designer

Angel Maria Garcia Alvarez (from Madrid, Spain), architect designer of the new crown offered to St. James’ in Medjugorje at the occasion of the 24th anniversary of the apparitions (also designer of the magnificent Magna Monstrance offered to the Shrine in 2001) gave a testimony about how this project came about and how it was realised. The crown was blessed and the statue was officially crowned by Fr. Branko Radoš, pastor of Medjugorje, after the solemn evening Mass on June 25, 2005, the day of the 24th anniversary of Our Lady’s apparitions in Medjugorje, in the presence of two bishops: Mons. Geevarghese Mar Divannasios Ottathengil, catholic syro-malankara bishop of the diocese Bathery, Kerala (India), and Mons. Jerome Gapangwa Nteziryayo, retired bishop of Uvira (Congo).

Medjugorje WebSite