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Medjugorje Website Updates

6 octombrie 2011 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Medjugorje Apparitions, Wide screen
Medjugorje Apparition Mirjana October 2011
2 octombrie 2011 /  Section: Our Lady of Medjugorje Messages - Category: Mirjana
Dragi copii, si astazi Inima mea materna va invita la rugaciune, la o relatie personala cu Dumnezeu-Tatal, la bucuria rugaciunii in El. Dumnezeu-Tatal nu e departe de voi si nu va e necunoscut. El vi s-a aratat prin Fiul meu si v-a dat viata, care e Fiul meu. De aceea, copiii mei, nu va lasati invinsi de incercarile care vor sa va desparta de Dumnezeu-Tatal. Rugati-va! Nu incercati sa aveti familii si societati fara El. Rugati-va! Rugati-va pentru ca bunatatea care vine doar de la Fiul meu, care e adevarata bunatate, sa inunde inimile voastre. Doar inimile pline de bunatate pot sa-L inteleaga si sa-L primeasca pe Dumnezeu-Tatal. Eu voi continua sa va indrum. In mod special va rog sa nu ii judecati pe pastorii vostrii. Copiii mei, uitati oare ca Dumnezeu-Tatal i-a chemat? Rugati-va! Va multumesc.
1 octombrie 2011 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Music with pictures
Kumbaya Medjugorje 2011
1 octombrie 2011 /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Caritas of Birmingham and "A Friend of Medjugorje" Terry Colafrancesco, Sterrett (AL), Alabama[EN]
Caritas Of Birmingham

Faithful Catholic women posted their following reviews of the book How to Change Your Husband by self-styled "A Friend of Medjugorje", leader of his group Caritas of Birmingham on Amazon bookstore. The concerned women found the book to be "un-catholic", "dangerous" and "extreme."

You can also read the review made for priests of St. James Parish, Medjugorje by Adrian Reimers, Ph.D. from University of Notre Dame.

25 septembrie 2011 /  Section: Our Lady of Medjugorje Messages - Category: Monthly Messages
Dragi copii, vă invit ca acest timp să fie pentru voi toţi timpul pentru a da mărturie. Voi care trăiţi în iubirea lui Dumnezeu şi aţi experimentat darurile Sale, mărturisiţi-le cu cuvintele şi cu viaţa voastră, ca să fie bucurie şi îndemn la credinţă pentru alţii. Eu sunt cu voi şi mijlocesc neîncetat înaintea lui Dumnezeu pentru voi toţi, pentru ca credinţa voastră să fie mereu vie, plină de bucurie şi în iubirea lui Dumnezeu Vă mulţumesc că aţi răspuns la chemarea mea.
23 septembrie 2011 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Charity, Wide screen
Cnn Heroes 2010 Winner Anuradha Koirala

Los Angeles, California (CNN) -- A woman Anuradha Koirala, whose group has rescued more than 12,000 women and girls from sex slavery has been named the 2010 CNN Hero of the Year.

23 septembrie 2011 /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Interviews
Cnn Heroes 2010 The Winner Anuradha Koiral Rescuing Girls From Sex Slavery

Kathmandu, Nepal (CNN) -- Geeta was 9 when she began wearing makeup, staying up until 2 a.m. and having sex with as many as 60 men a day.

"I used to be really sad and frustrated with what was happening in my life," she said.

The daughter of Nepalese peasant farmers, Geeta -- now 26 -- had been sold to a brothel in India by a member of her extended family. The family member had duped Geeta's visually impaired mother into believing her daughter would get work at a clothing company in Nepal.

23 septembrie 2011 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Testimonies, Wide screen, Italian only
Testimonianza Ania Goledzinowska Medjugorje

Leggi anche un'intervista con Ania Golędzinowska: Dall'inferno al paradiso passando per il bunga bunga -- Ania Golędzinowska: "Con la fede ho trovato la felicità"

23 septembrie 2011 /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Interviews
Other languages: English, Français
Ania Goledzinowska: 'I left Italy without telling anyone'

By Paolo Gambi

As Silvio Berlusconi grapples with the greatest crisis the Italian republic has ever seen, a member of his extended family has gone on a long retreat to Medjugorje. Ania Golędzinowska, the Polish girlfriend of Paolo Enrico Beretta, the Italian prime minister’s nephew (he is the son of Silvio Berlusconi’s late sister, Maria Antonietta), has moved to the town in Bosnia and Herzegovina to lead a life of prayer.

18 septembrie 2011 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Music with pictures, Song lyrics included
Blue Madonna Die Schaefer Madonna Blu

She loved him, but he left and never came back
She cried for tenderness and her lost happiness
And she went almost daily to a chapel, deep in the forest
And the weeping Madonna gave her support

(Sie liebte ihn, doch er ging fort und kam nicht mehr zurück ...)

18 septembrie 2011 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Medjugorje Pilgrimages, Italian only, Wide screen
Pellegrinaggio A Medjugorje Agosto 2011

Pellegrinaggio a Medjugorje commentato dalla giornalista Donatella Cupertino ...Dalle tenebre alla luce è un viaggio bellissimo...

18 septembrie 2011 /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Reflections / Author: Christine Watkins
What Is Your Life Mission

What is your life mission? Have you ever contemplated it? More importantly, have you ever asked the Holy Spirit to guide you in completing His plan for you? As we travel along our life journey, it helps to pull over at occasional rest stops and ask ourselves, “Is what I am doing in life my mission? Is there more, or something different I should be focusing on?”

6 septembrie 2011 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Medjugorje Apparitions, Wide screen
Medjugorje Apparition Mirjana September 2011
6 septembrie 2011 /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Medjugorje News
Last August Was The Busiest Month Since The Apparitions Began

The number of more than four hundred thousand (406,300) Holy Communions that were given during last August is more than all of the previous statistics in the last thirty years of Medjugorje. In accordance with that, the number of priests who celebrated Holy Masses in Medjugore was more than seven thousand – 7,280, in average 234 daily. The river of pilgrims continues in the first days of September as well. According to the record of Information Office there are bigger groups of pilgrims from Poland, Belgium, Slovakia, Lebanon, Spain, Argentina, Hungary, Austria, Germany, Italy, Denmark, Ireland, the United States and England.

We met Fr. Frank Gindro from Denmark and asked him to share his experience with us. He said that he feels special presence of Our Lady here, “It is a feeling I did not have for a long time. I pray for people in my country that have lost hope in their lives. I will come back to Medjugorje!”

2 septembrie 2011 /  Section: Our Lady of Medjugorje Messages - Category: Mirjana
Mirjana a primit aparitia ei lunara la Crucea Albastra, inconjurata de o mare multime de oameni. Dupa aparitie ne-a transmis urmatorul mesaj:
Dragi copii, Cu toata inima si cu sufletul plin de credinta si de iubire catre Tatal Ceresc vi L-am daruit si vi-L daruiesc din nou pe Fiul Meu. Fiul Meu v-a facut cunoscut voua, popor din toata lumea, unicul Dumnezeu Adevarat si Iubirea Sa. V-a condus pe drumul adevarului si v-a facut frati si surori. Prin urmare, copii mei, nu rataciti fara rost, nu inchideti inima in fata acestui adevar, speranta si iubire. Tot ce este in jurul vostru e trecator si totul se prabuseste, numai slava lui Dumnezeu ramane. De aceea renuntati la tot ce va indeparteaza de Dumnezeu. Adorati-L numai pe El, pentru ca El este unicul Dumnezeu adevarat. Eu sunt cu voi si raman alaturi de voi. Ma rog in mod special pentru preoti, pentru ca ei sa fie demni reprezentanti ai Fiului Meu, si pentru ca sa va conduca cu iubire pe drumul adevarului. Va multumesc!
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