Medjugorje in the Church

10. august 2005 /  Kategória: Medjugorje in the Church
Other languages: English, Deutsch, Français, Hrvatski, Italiano
Medjugorje Catholic Church


Ten years have passed since the Bishops’ Conference of former Yugoslavia published its Declaration on the events of Medjugorje.

The Declaration was preceded and prepared by long and painstaking work of several Commissions: two diocesan Commissions and a Commission of the Bishops’ Conference of former Yugoslavia had worked for seven years. Based on these studies, the Bishops’ Conference, published the following Declaration at its meeting in Zadar on April 11, 1991:

2. august 2005 , 20:55 /  Kategória: Teologické rozbory, Medjugorje in the Church / Autor: Dr. fra Ivan Dugandzic, OFM
Other languages: English, Français, Hrvatski, Italiano, Polski
Medjugorje New Evangelisation

Medjugorje, in other words, that which is understood when the name of that small parish in Herzegovina is mentioned today, has already for seventeen-years a long and stormy, but above all, an unpredictable history. Because who seventeen years ago could have anticipated that the claim of the children to have seen Our Lady would reach to the furthermost parts of the world, and that the parish of Medjugorje would grow into one of the most distinctive shrines and develop such a dynamic spiritual movement before which no one can any longer remain indifferent.

27. júl 2005 , 16:04 /  Kategória: Interview, Medjugorje in the Church
Other languages: English, Čeština, Hrvatski
Interview George Hamilton Pearce
We see that there is much tension in the world. America has felt the violence of the terrorism. How much America today can listen to the message of Peace and work on a just peace in the whole world?

I think that we have not got the message yet. There was a great turn to the Lord right after September 11th, but we need more then that, I think, before that country really turns to the Lord. So we just pray for that day, we hope we will turn to the Lord before we have to learn too many lessons, but this is also an act of the mercy of God. Everything is an act of the mercy of God. We know very well that God in his merciful love, in his permissive Providence, will take all the means possible that none of the least of his children will be totally lost. That’s all that really matters.

27. júl 2005 , 15:53 /  Kategória: Interview, Medjugorje in the Church
Other languages: English, Hrvatski
Msgr. Thomas L. Dupre

Sometimes God does not answer our prayers the way we want him to answer, but that is a part of being a Christian too: learning to carry the cross. Every one of us has a cross to carry. Maybe it is God’s will that we carry our cross. We have to be willing to accept that. That is all a part of the will of God. What we need to do and to know when we come to places like this is that we come and surrender to God; we accept His will whatever it may be. Even if our own personal requests are not granted in the way that we expect, nevertheless we are blessed if our faith is deepened, if we grow in our love for God and for his Mother.

27. júl 2005 , 8:15 /  Kategória: Interview, Medjugorje in the Church
Other languages: English, Čeština, Hrvatski
Interview Hermann Reich

Mgr. Hermann Reich: I was struck by the main theme of our Lady’s messages, which is peace. Then, there is always again the question of conversion and confession. These are the main themes. I am also struck by the fact that she always comes back to the theme of prayer: do not be tired; pray, pray; decide yourselves for prayer; pray better. I think that there is much prayer, but maybe people do not pray in the right way. There is much prayer, there is quantity but, in many ways, there is a lack of quality. I think that we have, according to the desire of Our Lady, not to pray less but to improve the quality. We have to pray better.

26. júl 2005 /  Kategória: Teologické rozbory, Medjugorje in the Church / Autor: Dirk Grothues
Other languages: English, Deutsch, Français, Hrvatski, Italiano, Polski
Pilgrims in front of the St. James Church

Zdroj: medjugorje-hr

One thing we can do is that each one of us tries as best as he can to live the messages, which the Queen of Peace gives us so patiently and tirelessly. Another thing we can do is to take care that the original message is not being falsified or obscured in the Medjugorje centres and prayer groups. Medjugorje is not just any pious prayer movement. The program of Medjugorje is not simply that of any popular mission, as it is from time to time presented to our communities. It is good to pray, to fast, to go to holy mass, to go to confession regularly, to read Sacred Scriptures. But, if we do not understand that, despite all personal piety, we are dealing here with total peace and conversion, then we have not yet correctly understood the essence of the Medjugorje message.

20. júl 2005 /  Kategória: Medjugorje in the Church, Teologické rozbory, Medžugorskí kňazi / Autor: Dr. fra Ljudevit Rupcic, OFM
Other languages: English, Deutsch, Français, Hrvatski, Italiano, Polski
Dr. fra Ljudevit Rupcic, OFM

The term "private" revelations has already for a long time become customary in theology. In contrast to it is public revelation. However, public revelation would be the one given in the Bible, and private the one given apart from the Bible. Accordingly, it would be more justifiable to speak of biblical and extra-biblical revelation. Assigning a greater honour and significance to the biblical than to the other has no real reason whatsoever. Because if they are both true, if they both come from God, according to their origin they are both divine and equally valuable. Both, the one and the other, God intends for people and wants them to accept both of them. Otherwise, there would be no reason for him to speak at all. If there may be some justifiable difference between them, it can never be in the sense that one is obligatory and the other is not. They are both obligatory. For every one that has been reached by them and for the one who has attained sufficient reasons and moral security regarding their authenticity, both of them oblige equally.

20. júl 2005 /  Kategória: Medjugorje in the Church, Teologické rozbory / Autor: René Laurentin
Other languages: English, Deutsch, Français, Hrvatski, Italiano
René Laurentin

The position of Medjugorje in the Church is a difficult, disputed subject, an object of confusion and ambiguities, that is important to dissipate.

Among us, Medjugorje does not need any explanations. It is a place of grace where Our Lady has manifested Herself by all the exceptional fruits: spiritual life, conversions, healings. "The tree is judged by its fruits," says the Lord, and it is the only criterion of discernment that comes from Him (Mt 7:20; 12:33).

20. júl 2005 /  Kategória: Medžugorskí kňazi, Medjugorje in the Church
Other languages: English, Deutsch, Français, Hrvatski, Italiano, Polski
Signatures of the letter

Dear Friends, Members of Medjugorie Prayer Groups,

This letter is an expression of the deep affection which unites us to the message of Medjugorie! Knowing that many people (bishops, priests, religious and laity) have gratefully testified to the abundant spiritual fruits of this message, we would like, through this letter, to make you participants in a group testimony. This testimony should contribute to the defense of this work of Mary, a work which is spread throughout the whole world and which continues to be threatened in many places.

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