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17. marec 2010 , 20:12 , Last update 20. marec 2010 /  Section: Články a aktuality[EN] - Kategória: Novinky z Medžugoria, Vatikán
Other languages: English, Čeština, Hrvatski, Italiano

Vatican City, Mar 17, 2010 / 09:56 am (CNA/EWTN News).- A statement was released by the Holy See on Wednesday confirming the formation of a commission to investigate the “phenomenon” of Medjugorje.

20. marec 2010 , Originally published jún, 2000 /  Section: Články a aktuality[EN] - Kategória: Svedectvá
Other languages: English, Deutsch, Français, Italiano, Polski
Testimony Ruth

Ruth came from an atheistic background, and at the age of 28 knew nothing about God. Two years ago God revealed Himself to her and she had a profound conversion. She was baptized during the Easter Vigil of this Great Jubilee year, after 18 months of catechesis in which Our Lady's school of Medjugorje played a decisive role.

18. marec 2010 /  Section: Posolstvá z Medžugoria - Kategória: Mirjana
"Drahé deti! Dnes vás pozývam, aby ste milovali celým svojím srdcom a celou svojou dušou. Proste o dar lásky, pretože keď duša miluje, pozýva k sebe môjho Syna. Môj Syn neodmieta tých, ktorí na Neho volajú a ktorí chcú podľa Neho žiť. Modlite sa za tých, ktorí nechápu lásku, ktorí nerozumejú, čo znamená milovať. Modlite sa, aby im Boh bol otcom a nie sudcom. Deti moje, vy buďte mojimi apoštolmi, buďte mojou riekou lásky. Ja vás potrebujem. Ďakujem vám. "
17. marec 2010 , 20:12 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Kategória: Medjugorje News
Vatican Confirms Pope Benedict Xvi International Commission

Vatican confirms Pope Benedict XVI has set up an international commission to investigate the authenticity of the reported apparitions by the Virgin Mary at Medjugorje, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

13. marec 2010 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Kategória: Music with pictures / Autor: Gospa2000
Mother Mary

Mother Maria is composed and sung by Mary Teresa Doogan. The track is from the CD Here is Love by Family Doogan & Friends.

13. marec 2010 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Kategória: Italian only, Documentary, Wide screen
Medjugorje Documentario Storico
13. marec 2010 , Originally published marec, 1991 /  Section: Články a aktuality[EN] - Kategória: Interview
Sculptor Big Crucifix

The smile of his mother as she was dying (she was run over by a train) helped this man (a sculptor) regain his faith and now inspires his works.

An atheist in front of this crucifix said, "For as long as I stood in front of it, I felt the desire to embrace it."

Peppino Sacchi, sculptor from Bolzano, was interviewed by Fr. Slavko in October 1990.

8. marec 2010 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Kategória: Medjugorje Apparitions, Wide screen / Autor: Vittorio, Bologna
Mirjana March 2010

Apparition of Our Lady in Medjugorje for Mirjana, 2. March 2010

6. marec 2010 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Kategória: Spirituality, Song lyrics included, Wide screen
Panis Angelicus Chloe Agnew Celtic Woman

A very beatiful song performed by Celtic Woman concert live from the helix Center in Dublin, Ireland

6. marec 2010 , Originally published február, 2005 /  Section: Články a aktuality[EN] - Kategória: Úvahy / Autor: Sr. Stefania Consoli
Other languages: English, Deutsch, Français, Italiano
Not This Way God Thought Woman

God created woman in His own image, just as He did with man. It was a single image, though there is a clear distinction. “Male and female he created them,” says the book of Genesis. In the woman God put those parts of Himself which he drew from the deepest layers of His divine being: sensitivity, intuition, tenderness, the capacity to donate self in an unconditioned way without seeking advantage, fortitude and the wonder of a body able to lovingly receive and give life.

6. marec 2010 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Kategória: Medjugorje Apparitions, Wide screen / Autor: Vittorio, Bologna
Marija Pavlovic Verona

Apparition of Medjugorje Queen of Peace to visionary Marija Pavlovic, 27. February at Verona

2. marec 2010 /  Section: Posolstvá z Medžugoria - Kategória: Mirjana
"Drahé deti! V tomto osobitnom čase vašej snahy byť čo najbližšie môjmu Synovi, Jeho utrpeniu ale i láske, s ktorou ho znášal, vám chcem povedať, že som s vami. Svojou milosťou vám pomôžem zvíťaziť nad vašimi chybami a pokušeniami. Naučím vás láske; láske, ktorá zotiera všetky hriechy a činí vás dokonalými. Láska, ktorá vám dáva pokoj môjho srdca teraz a navždy. Pokoj s vami i vo vás, pretože ja som Kráľovná pokoja. Ďakujem vám. "
27. február 2010 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Kategória: Music with pictures, Song lyrics included, Wide screen
Libera Voca Me

A beautiful video and music from a vocal group with angel voices Libera.

27. február 2010 , Originally published jún, 1999 /  Section: Články a aktuality[EN] - Kategória: Svedectvá
Our Lady statue in Tilhaljina

Mariana is an attractive, modern young woman, who works as an interior decorator in Mexico. In Medjugorje she told us: "I was very independent and active and, like all young people, I did what I wanted when I wanted, trying to get the most out of life.

25. február 2010 /  Section: Posolstvá z Medžugoria - Kategória: Mesačné posolstvá
"Drahé deti! V tomto milostivom čase, keď sa aj príroda pripravuje, aby vydala najkrajšie farby v roku, pozývam vás, milé deti, otvorte svoje srdcia Bohu Stvoriteľovi, aby vás on premenil a formoval na svoj obraz, aby sa všetko dobro, ktoré zaspalo vo vašom srdci, prebudilo do nového života a túžby po večnosti. Ďakujem vám, že ste prijali moje pozvanie. "