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www.medjugorje.ws » Medjugorje Website Updates » december, 2009

Medjugorje Website Updates by month december, 2009

2. december 2009 /  Section: Sporočila iz Medjugorja - Category: Mirjana
«Dragi otroci! V tem času priprave in radostnega pričakovanja vam jaz kot Mati želim pokazati, kaj je najvažnejše, vaša duša. Ali se lahko v njej rodi moj Sin? Ali je z ljubeznijo očiščena: laži, prevzetnosti, sovraštva in zlorabe? Ali ljubi vaša duša nad vsem Boga kot Očeta in brata človeka v Kristusu? Jaz vam kažem na pot, ki vzdiguje vašo dušo do popolnega zedinjenja z mojim Sinom. Želim, da se v vas rodi moj Sin. Kaka radost bo za mene Mater. Hvala vam. »
5. december 2009 , Originally published 23. november 2009 /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Testimonies
Journey Faith Pilgrims

Every year thousands of pilgrims from Northern Ireland flock to Medjugorje, the supposed site of apparitions of the Virgin Mary. Ahead of a BBC One NI documentary tonight, the filmmakers give their impressions of the phenomenon.

What are these?

What is faith? How do you measure it? Is “seeing” believing? The answers for many can be found in the Marian Shrine of Medjugorje in Bosnia Herzegovina.

Read the whole article on the BelfastTelegraph.co.uk

5. december 2009 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Testimonies, Medjugorje Pilgrimages
Surrender Healing Medjugorje Colleen Willard Story

Colleen was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor and multiple health problems, wheelchair bound and in constant, severe pain. As her health deteriorated, her surrender to the Will of God while embracing the cross brought her on a spiritual journey to make a pilgrimage to Medjugorje... but not for a healing...only a simple desire to give as many "gifts of prayers" for all her family, loved ones and friends.

8. december 2009 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Medjugorje Apparitions, Wide screen / Author: Vittorio, Bologna
Apparition Mirjana December 2009

An apparition of Our Lady of Medjugorje for Mirjana, 2. December 2009

12. december 2009 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Music with pictures / Author: Jerry Morin
Medjugorje Way

To Jesus through his mother, Mary

20. december 2009 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Medjugorje Pilgrimages, Music with pictures, Song lyrics included
You Center

A beautiful song with pictures from Medjugorje and spiritual depictions.

24. december 2009 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Song lyrics included, Music with pictures
Silent Night Angie Aparo
24. december 2009 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Music with pictures, Wide screen
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2010!

See this beautiful video Christmas card and have a Blessed Christmas.

25. december 2009 /  Section: Sporočila iz Medjugorja - Category: Monthly Messages
«Dragi otroci! V tem radostnem dnevu vas vse prinašam pred mojega Sina, Kralja miru, da vam On da svoj mir in blagoslov. Otročiči, ta mir in blagoslov delite v ljubezni z drugimi. Hvala vam, ker ste se odzvali mojemu klicu. »
25. december 2009 /  Section: Sporočila iz Medjugorja - Category: Jakov
Na zadnjem vsakodnevnem prikazovanju 12.septembra 1998, je Gospa rekla Jakovu Čolu, da se mu bo prikazovala enkrat letno in to 25.decembra na Božič. Tako je tudi bilo letos in sicer, prikazovanje se je začelo ob 14.35 in je trajalo 12 minut.
Gospa mu je dala sledeče sporočilo:
«Dragi otroci! Ves ta časv katerem mi Bog na poseben način dopušča da sem z vami vas želim voditi po poti ki vas vodi do Jezusa in vašega odrešenja. Otročiči moji samo v Bogu lahko najdete odrešenje in zato posebej na ta milostni dan z malim Jezusom v naročju vam kličem: dopustite Jezusu da se rodi v vašem srcu. Samo z Jezusom v srcu lahko hodite po poti odrešenja in večnega odrešenja. Hvala vam, ker ste odzvali mojemu klicu! »
31. december 2009 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Medjugorje Apparitions
Jakov during an apparition

An annual apparition of Our Lady of Medjugorje for Jakov, 25. December 2009

31. december 2009 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Song lyrics included, Music with pictures, Wide screen, Medjugorje Pilgrimages
Prodigal Son

A beautiful song with pictures from Medjugorje.