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Medjugorje Website Updates

11. april 2011 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Visionaries, Wide screen
Vicka Meeting Italian Pilgrims
3. april 2011 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Medjugorje Apparitions, Wide screen
Apparition Mirjana April 2011
2. april 2011 /  Section: Sporočila iz Medjugorja - Category: Mirjana
«Dragi otroci! Z materinsko ljubeznijo želim vsakemu od vas odpreti srce in vas naučiti osebno edinost z Očetom. Da bi to sprejeli, morate doumeti, da ste za Boga pomembni in da vas kliče vsakega posebej. Morate dojeti, da je vaša molitev pogovor otroka z Očetom, da je ljubezen pot po kateri morate iti. Da je ljubezen pot do Boga in do svojega bližnjega. To je, otroci moji, ljubezen, ki nima mej, to je ljubezen, ki nastaja v resnici in gre do konca. Sledite mi, otroci moji, da bi vam tudi drugi sledili, ko v vas prepoznajo resnico in ljubezen. Hvala vam! »
Gospa je ponovno povabila k molitvi za naše pastirje in je rekla: Oni imajo v mojem srcu posebno mesto, oni predstavljajo mojega Sina."
31. marec 2011 /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Caritas of Birmingham and "A Friend of Medjugorje" Terry Colafrancesco, Sterrett (AL), Alabama[EN]
Other languages: English, Italiano
Caritas Of Birmingham

by Prof. Marco Corvaglia

The community Caritas of Birmingham (Alabama) has gained much publicity and visibility in the U.S. by hosting many times (162 from 1988 to 2011), year after year, Marija Pavlović's, the Medjugorje visionary, daily apparitions.

So it is particularly interesting and significant to know the doctrines that are observed in the community and are spread by its founder and owner, Terry Colafrancesco.

He published in the mid-nineties, under his usual pseudonym of Friend of Medjugorje, the book How to Change Your Husband [Caritas, Sterrett (AL), 1996], printed by the community itself and now also downloadable from its official website.

Reading the book one is astonished by the male chauvinism, sometimes grotesque, that seems to characterize it: for example, he writes that the devil, in order to hide to people the potentially destructive nature of women, got persons to quit the right habit of giving female names to hurricanes that each year lash the shores of the Atlantic.

Actually, this isn’t simply absurd male chauvinism, but rather adhesion to well-known religious ideologies.

31. marec 2011 /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Testimonies
Other languages: English, Čeština, Deutsch, Español, Hrvatski, Italiano
The Priest From Korea My Life Was Changed In Medjugorje

The young Franciscan Peter Kim Dae Woo visited Međugorje for the second time. He comes from the parish Incon in Korea, where he serves as the assistant parish priest. He was ordained in 2009, despite his great desire to become a singer. He studied at the University for electrical engineering, but he dreamt of music, and that had even reduced his student’s performance at the university. “I studied for four years, but I was not interested in that at all. I would spend most of my time playing and singing, the music was my whole life. I was student only up to the moment when I got to know music a bit better. At one point, I was no longer attending classes. Back in those days, I used to have a nick name “factory of curses”, because all of the words that were coming out from my mouth were bad, but I did not care for that at all. I only cared for music and lived in its world completely. I socialised with ‘so-called musicians’”

30. marec 2011 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Medjugorje Messages / Author: Wise84
Medjugorje Message March 25 2011
25. marec 2011 /  Section: Sporočila iz Medjugorja - Category: Monthly Messages
«Dragi otroci! Na poseben način vas želim danes poklicati k spreobrnjenju. Naj se od danes prične novo življenje v vašem srcu. Otroci, želim videti vaš 'DA' in naj bo vaše življenje radostno življenje Božje volje v vsakem trenutku vašega življenja. Jaz vas danes na poseben način blagoslavljam s svojim materinskim blagoslovom miru, ljubezni in edinosti v mojem srcu in v srcu mojega sina Jezusa. Hvala vam ker ste se odzvali mojemu klicu. »
23. marec 2011 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Italian only, Visionaries, Wide screen
Mirjana Testimonianza Recente Meta Marzo 2011

Mirjana parla ai pellegrini italiani nel salone giallo

23. marec 2011 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Italian only, Medjugorje Pilgrimages, Wide screen
Messa Italiana Medjugorje Marzo 2011
22. marec 2011 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Visionaries, Wide screen
Vicka Meeting Pilgrims During Rain

Vicka incontra i pellegrini italiani all'aperto nell'area di Sr. Cornelia (intorno al 18 marzo)

Vicka meets pilgrims in the area of Sr. Cornelia (around 18 March)

19. marec 2011 , Originally published 26. marec 2010 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Medjugorje News
Pope Benedict Commission Investigate Marian Apparitions Medjugorje
19. marec 2011 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Medjugorje Apparitions, Wide screen
Apparition Mirjana March 18 2011
19. marec 2011 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Italian only
Raidue Sulla Via Di Damasco Medjugorje

Tratto dal programma di RAIDUE "Sulla via di Damasco" condotto da Monsignor Giovanni D'Ercole.

18. marec 2011 /  Section: Sporočila iz Medjugorja - Category: Mirjana
Vidkinji Mirjani Dragićević-Soldo se je Kraljica miru redno prikazovala od 24.6.1981 do 25.12.1982. Na zadnjem od teh videnj ji je zaupala deseto skrivnost in ji rekla, da se ji bo prikazala vsako leto, 18. marca. Tako je tudi bilo, v vseh teh letih. Tudi letos se je več tisoč romarjev zbralo k molitvi rožnega venca z željo, da bi bili prisotni ob tem srečanju Mirjane s Kraljico miru, ki je bilo letos ob "Plavem križu". Videnje se je pričelo ob 13.46 uri in trajalo do 13.50 ure. Devica Marija je dala sledeče sporočilo:
«Dragi otroci! Jaz sem z vami v imenu največje Ljubezni, v imenu dragega Boga, ki se vam je približal prek mojega Sina in vam pokazal pravo ljubezen. Jaz vas želim popeljati po Božji poti. Želim vas naučiti pravo ljubezen, da jo drugi vidijo v vas, da jo vi vidite v drugih, da jim boste bratje in da drugi vidijo milostljivega brata v vas. Otroci moji, ne boljte se odpreti mi vaša srca. Jaz vam bom z materinsko ljubeznijo pokazala kaj od vsakega od vas pričakujem, kaj pričakujem od svojih apostolov. Pojdite z menoj. Hvala vam. »
12. marec 2011 /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Caritas of Birmingham and "A Friend of Medjugorje" Terry Colafrancesco, Sterrett (AL), Alabama[EN]
Other languages: English, Español
Dr. Richard Geraghty of EWTN on Caritas of Birmingham: "group sounds to me very much like a cult"

Caritas of Birmingham - Question from anonymous on 12-23-2010:

Dear Dr. Geraghty, Concerning the upcoming apparition at Caritas of Birmingham with a visionary from Medjudgorje (Marija) March 19 - March 23, 2010, advertised on their website, okay for Roman Catholics to attend? Thank you!