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22. ліпень 2005 , Originally published 20. верасень 2002 /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Medjugorje and Vatican / Author: Pope John Paul II
Rosarium Virginis Mariae Most Holy Rosary

The Holy Father John Paul II published on October 16, 2002 the Apostolic Letter on the Most Holy Rosary under the title, “Rosarium Virginis Mariae”, where he also proclaims a year of the Holy Rosary, beginning today and running through the same date next year. The Holy Father asks that the Rosary be prayed particularly for the causes of world peace and the strengthening of family life. In this document, the Pope proposes five new mysteries of the Rosary under the name “luminous mysteries” or “mysteries of light”.

21. ліпень 2005 , Originally published 5. жнівень 2001 /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Medjugorje and Vatican / Author: Pope John Paul II
Other languages: English, Deutsch, Français, Italiano
Pope John Paul II

"You are the salt of the earth, You are the light of the world" (Mt 5:13-14)

It is the nature of human beings, and especially youth, to seek the Absolute, the meaning and fullness of life. Dear young people, do not be content with anything less than the highest ideals! Do not let yourselves be dispirited by those who are disillusioned with life and have grown deaf to the deepest and most authentic desires of their heart. You are right to be disappointed with hollow entertainment and passing fads, and with aiming at too little in life. If you have an ardent desire for the Lord you will steer clear of the mediocrity and conformism so widespread in our society.

21. ліпень 2005 , Originally published 3. кастрычнік 2000 /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Medjugorje and Vatican / Author: Pope John Paul II
Other languages: English, Deutsch, Français, Hrvatski, Italiano
Pope John Paul II

1 JANUARY 2001

1. At the dawn of a new millennium, there is growing hope that relationships between people will be increasingly inspired by the ideal of a truly universal brotherhood. Unless this ideal is shared, there will be no way to ensure a stable peace. There are many signs which suggest that this conviction is becoming more deeply rooted in people's minds. The importance of fraternity is proclaimed in the great "charters" of human rights; it is embodied in great international institutions, particularly the United Nations; and it is called for, as never before, by the process of globalization which is leading to a progressive unification of the economy, culture and society. For their part, the followers of the different religions are ever more conscious of the fact that a relationship with the one God, the common Father of all, cannot fail to bring about a greater sense of human brotherhood and a more fraternal life together. In God's revelation in Christ, this principle finds a radical expression: "He who does not love does not know God; for God is love" (1 Jn 4:8).

21. ліпень 2005 , Originally published 10. лістапад 2001 /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Priests of Medjugorje, Theology reports / Author: Dr. Fra Slavko Barbarić, OFM
Other languages: English, Deutsch, Français, Hrvatski, Italiano
Discourse of Dr. Fra Slavko Barbaric, OFM

To love and to be loved is the fundamental and the deepest desire of every man. We do not even need to discuss how important love and acceptance are in the family school of life. Lack of love and acceptance in the family leave deep scars. It is not unheard of that even the newly conceived child feels and knows if it is accepted with love or not. It is known from therapeutic practice, that deep fears, which can follow a person throughout his entire life, are often caused prior to birth, if the father and mother contemplated abortion.

21. ліпень 2005 , 22:00 , Originally published 10. лістапад 2001 /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Theology reports, Priests of Medjugorje / Author: Dr. fra Ivan Dugandzic, OFM
Other languages: English, Deutsch, Français, Hrvatski, Italiano, Polski
Mirjana during her Annual apparition (Theological possibility and significance of these unusual manifestations)

In 1973, there was a stormy discussion among theologians about the significance of Jesus' resurrection and the meaning of speech in the apparitions of the Risen One as the New Testament speaks of them. R. Pesch, a liberal Catholic biblical scholar, provoked that discussion with his assertion that talk about the resurrection is merely "the expression of the believers' recognition of Jesus' eschatological significance, his mission and authority, his legitimation in view of his death." Talk about apparitions would merely be the "legitimation" of the disciples, that is, their determination to proclaim that "significance of Jesus." His Protestant, very moderate colleague, M. Hengel, in his response particularly regrets that in present times visions are made equivalent to hallucinations and continues, "Since the rich mystical tradition of the Church has dried up, at least in our regions, theologians are then no longer in authority for these manifestations, but rather psychiatrists or drug experts. A vision is considered a pathological manifestation" (ThQ 3/1973, p. 255). It was as though it were a prophetic word for what will be shown also in the case of the apparitions in Medjugorje eight years later.

20. ліпень 2005 , Originally published 10. лістапад 2001 /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Medjugorje in the Catholic Church, Theology reports, Priests of Medjugorje / Author: Dr. fra Ljudevit Rupcic, OFM
Other languages: English, Deutsch, Français, Hrvatski, Italiano, Polski
Dr. fra Ljudevit Rupcic, OFM

The term "private" revelations has already for a long time become customary in theology. In contrast to it is public revelation. However, public revelation would be the one given in the Bible, and private the one given apart from the Bible. Accordingly, it would be more justifiable to speak of biblical and extra-biblical revelation. Assigning a greater honour and significance to the biblical than to the other has no real reason whatsoever. Because if they are both true, if they both come from God, according to their origin they are both divine and equally valuable. Both, the one and the other, God intends for people and wants them to accept both of them. Otherwise, there would be no reason for him to speak at all. If there may be some justifiable difference between them, it can never be in the sense that one is obligatory and the other is not. They are both obligatory. For every one that has been reached by them and for the one who has attained sufficient reasons and moral security regarding their authenticity, both of them oblige equally.

20. ліпень 2005 , Originally published ліпень, 1997 /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Medjugorje in the Catholic Church, Theology reports / Author: René Laurentin
Other languages: English, Deutsch, Français, Hrvatski, Italiano
René Laurentin

The position of Medjugorje in the Church is a difficult, disputed subject, an object of confusion and ambiguities, that is important to dissipate.

Among us, Medjugorje does not need any explanations. It is a place of grace where Our Lady has manifested Herself by all the exceptional fruits: spiritual life, conversions, healings. "The tree is judged by its fruits," says the Lord, and it is the only criterion of discernment that comes from Him (Mt 7:20; 12:33).

20. ліпень 2005 , Originally published 25. чэрвень 1997 /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Priests of Medjugorje, Medjugorje in the Catholic Church
Other languages: English, Deutsch, Français, Hrvatski, Italiano, Polski
Signatures of the letter

Dear Friends, Members of Medjugorie Prayer Groups,

This letter is an expression of the deep affection which unites us to the message of Medjugorie! Knowing that many people (bishops, priests, religious and laity) have gratefully testified to the abundant spiritual fruits of this message, we would like, through this letter, to make you participants in a group testimony. This testimony should contribute to the defense of this work of Mary, a work which is spread throughout the whole world and which continues to be threatened in many places.

20. ліпень 2005 , Originally published 10. ліпень 2002 /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Prayers, Medjugorje News
Other languages: English, Hrvatski, Italiano
"7th" International Meeting for Priests at the School of Mary in Medjugorje

Source: medjugorje-hr

This prayer has been made by the priests during the "7th International Meeting for Priests at the School of Mary" in Medjugorje.

Immaculate Virgin Mary, Our Mother, Queen of Peace! We, the priests, Your beloved sons, want to consecrate ourselves today to Your Immaculate Heart.

By this act of consecration, we wish to put into life - with You and with Your help – all of the obligations that we have taken upon ourselves through our Baptismal and Priestly consecration.

23. чэрвень 2005
5. май 2005 , 19:13 /  Section: About Medjugorje WebSite - Category: Section Documents / Author: Marek Gayer

Here we present sample ideas summarized to three examples that we can reach by statistical overview and full text search of Messages with some general considerations and analysis of Medjugorje messages. You can also use our Medjugorje Messages Keywords, Medjugorje Messages Toplist and Medjugorje Messages Concordance pages to verify or extend these ideas.

Since official Medjugorje website up to now did not approved messages given during 1981 - 1984, the analysis in these examples may slightly differ in numbers of messages refered in this text.

10. красавік 2005 , 19:11 /  Section: About Medjugorje WebSite - Category: Section Documents
9. красавік 2005 , 19:13 /  Section: About Medjugorje WebSite - Category: Section Documents / Author: Marek Gayer

In this short article, we outline some of the possible features when using fulltext search for Medjugorje Messages in Medjugorje website.

8. красавік 2005 , 08:08 /  Section: About Medjugorje WebSite - Category: Section Documents

Every day on this website, a Quote of the day appears. All the quotes are taken from the Medjugorje messages. When extracting quotes from the messages, either beautiful, important or unique parts were selected. There are many such parts, so we have everyday many quotes to choose from. The quotes changes every day after the midnight (Central European Time, which corresponds with time in Medjugorje as well) on a random basis. The quotes are displayed in your preferred language, which you will choose on the introductory page of this Medjugorje website or in the top navigation bar. The preferred language should be remembered, whenever you return to Medjugorje website. To display the whole message, from which the quote has been taken, click on the date of the message below the quote.

6. красавік 2005 , 18:33 /  Section: About Medjugorje WebSite - Category: Section Documents


From its beginning in June 1981 up to now, Apparitions in Medjugorje has attracted attention of millions of people in the world. Medjugorje had become a place of important source of spiritual encouragement for many of them, including, but not limited to pilgrims that visited this place.

For God to live in your hearts, you must love.
