Medjugorje Website Updates

18 gener de 2009 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Song lyrics included, Music with pictures
Ray Boltz Thank You

A beautiful song Thank you by Ray Boltz with video and lyrics.

15 gener de 2009 /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Medjugorje and Vatican, Medjugorje News / Author: Marek Gayer
Pope Benedict XVI

According to the oldest American Catholic newspaper, National Catholic Register, a Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith official has denied a vademecum (booklet, guide, handbook, manual or similar type of document) is being prepared about how the Catholic Church and bishops should deal with alleged Marian apparitions and visions, such as are those at Medjugorje.

10 gener de 2009 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Medjugorje Apparitions / Author: Vittorio, Bologna
Apparition Mirjana January 2009

An apparition of Our Lady for Mirjana, 2. January 2009

4 gener de 2009 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Marian Apparitions, Documentary
Apparitions of Virgin Mary
  • Includes the following videos:
    • 1. (Lourdes I) - 11 min
    • 2. (Lourdes II, Fatima I) - 11 min
    • 3. (Fatima II) - 11 min
    • 4. (Fatima III) - 9 min
    • 5. (Medjugorie) - 7 min
    • 6. (Kibeho) - 5 min
    • 7. (Guadalupe) - 8 min
    • 8. (Civitavecchia) - 11 min
2 gener de 2009 /  Section: Our Lady of Medjugorje Messages - Category: Mirjana
Estimats fills, mentre la gran gràcia celestial s’irradia sobre vostre, el vostre cor es queda dur i sense resposta. Fills meus, per què no em doneu completament els vostres cors? Només vull posar-hi la pau i la salvació: el meu Fill. Amb el meu Fill la vostra ànima serà dirigida vers els objectius més nobles i no us perdereu mai. En la tenebra més densa també trobareu el camí. Fillets meus, decidiu-vos per la vida nova amb el nom del meu Fill als llavis. Us regracio.
28 desembre de 2008 , Last update 31 desembre de 2008 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Medjugorje Pilgrimages, Music with pictures, Wide screen / Author: Arturando
Medjugorje 2008 by
25 desembre de 2008 /  Section: Our Lady of Medjugorje Messages - Category: Monthly Messages
Estimats fills, vosaltres correu, treballeu, acumuleu, però sense benedicció. Vosaltres no pregueu! Avui us invito a parar-vos davant del pessebre i meditar sobre Jesús, que avui també us dono, perquè Ell us beneeixi i us ajudi a comprendre que sense Ell no teniu futur. Per això, fillets, abandoneu les vostres vides en les mans de Jesús perquè Ell us guiï i us protegeixi de tot mal. Gràcies per haver respost a la meva crida.
24 desembre de 2007 , Last update 24 desembre de 2008 /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Free downloads[EN], Website visitors articles[EN], Testimonies, news / Author: Marek Gayer
Medjugorje Screensaver

The Medjugorje Screensaver can be downloaded and used free of charge. It contains photos from section Pictures & Photos taken by Marek Gayer in Medjugorje and also contains selected music tracks from a music album Gospa Oratorio. You can also freely listen to or download the full music album in mp3 format at Gospa Oratorio website and burn your own CD or listen on your MP3 player.

23 desembre de 2008 /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Other / Author: Marek Gayer
Merry Christmas Happy New Year 2009

I wish all of you blissful and spiritual Christmas feasts. Regardless where or with whom you will be, let there will be also Jesus and Mary's Love with you, shining upon your hearts with bliss. Let the little Jesus will be reborn, reestablished and honored in your hearts and life.

Click on the title to continue reading the wishings and to display accompanying pictures!

20 desembre de 2006 , Last update 23 desembre de 2008 /  Section: Picture & Photo Galleries - Category: Virgin Mary Pictures
Adoration of the Shepherds by Gerard Van Honthorst, 1622

Old pictures with depictions of Virgin Mary and Nativity of Child Jesus.

20 desembre de 2006 , Last update 23 desembre de 2008 /  Section: Picture & Photo Galleries - Category: Jesus Christ Pictures
Madonna with the Child Jesus

Old pictures with Little Baby Jesus.

21 desembre de 2008 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Song lyrics included, Music with pictures
God Loves You

A beautiful Croatian devotional, spiritual song by Maja Štrk, performed by VIS Dujam from Split. Comes with accompanying video slideshow with some beautiful scenes and images related to Medjugorje, Jesus, angels, children and Christmas. Inspirational lyrics in both English and Croatian are provided as well.

14 desembre de 2008 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Medjugorje Apparitions, Wide screen / Author: Vittorio, Bologna
Apparition Mirjana December 2008

An apparition of Our Lady for Mirjana, 2. December 2008

6 desembre de 2008 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Medjugorje Pilgrimages, Music with pictures, Wide screen
In honor of Our Mother


2 desembre de 2008 /  Section: Our Lady of Medjugorje Messages - Category: Mirjana
Estimats fills, en aquest temps d’espera joiosa, Déu us ha escollit, a vosaltres petits, per realitzar els seus grans designis. Fillets meus, sigueu humils! A través de la vostra humilitat, Déu, amb la seva saviesa, farà de les vostres ànimes una estada escollida. Vosaltres la il·luminareu amb les bones obres i així, amb el cor obert, acollireu el naixement del meu Fill en tot el seu amor generós. Us regracio, estimats fills!
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