Medjugorje Website Updates

19 gener de 2008 /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Visionaries, Vicka Ivankovic-Mijatovic / Author: Sr. Emmanuel
Other languages: English, Deutsch, Français, Italiano, Polski
Vicka Return

Around the 1st of January, large crowds of pilgrims once again gathered on the main street in Bijakovici. Vicka, after an absence of nine months for health reasons, returned to the stairs of her blue house to give witness! This year however, we will have to wait until March for her to resume her normal rhythm of speaking three days per week. By then the treatment of her shoulder should be finished. In these last nine months, Vicka has suffered more than usual, but she knows how to remain happy in all situations, even those that are apparently negative.

12 gener de 2008 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Medjugorje Pilgrimages, Music with pictures
Medjugorje Anto Bandov

Marijana Zovko is a Croatian Christian music singer who lives in Laupheim, Germany.

12 gener de 2008 /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Interviews
Other languages: English, Čeština, Deutsch, Hrvatski, Italiano
Mark Miravalle

Prof. Dr. Mark Miravalle, professor of Theology and Mariology at the Franciscan University of Steubenville (USA) is a permanent deacon, a married man and a father of 8 children. Shortly after the beginning of the apparitions, while he was writing his doctorate in Rome, he came to Medjugorje to investigate the events.

9 febrer de 2007 , Last update 12 gener de 2008 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Medjugorje Pilgrimages, Music with pictures, Downloadable / Author: Steve
Medjugorje Miracles Grace Youtube

A video composed from Medjugorje photos by Marek Gayer from Pictures & Photos Gallery section of Medjugorje WebSite and soundtrack "Amazing House of Grace" by Higher Ground band.

1 gener de 2008 , Last update 4 gener de 2008 /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Medjugorje News
Other languages: English, Čeština, Deutsch, Hrvatski, Italiano
Christmas New Year Medjugorje 2008

In the Christmas night, numerous faithful from the neighbourhood, as well as from distant parts of the world, join the parishioners of Medjugorje to celebrate Christmas here. This year, there were pilgrims from different European countries, as well as groups from Hong Kong, Macao and Korea.

2 gener de 2008 /  Section: Our Lady of Medjugorje Messages - Category: Mirjana
Estimats fills, amb tota la força del meu cor us estimo i em dono a vosaltres. Com la mare lluita pels seus fills, prego i lluito per vosaltres. De vosaltres us demano que no tingueu por d’obrir-vos perquè pugueu estimar i donar-vos als altres amb el cor. Com més fareu això amb el cor, més acollireu i comprendreu millor el meu Fill i el seu do a vosaltres. Que tothom us reconegui a través de l’amor del meu Fill i el meu. Us regracio.
1 gener de 2008 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Medjugorje Apparitions, Downloadable
Video Mirjana Apparition 12 2007
30 desembre de 2007 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Medjugorje Pilgrimages
New Year 2007

Novo leto 2007 v Medjugorju - New year 2007 in Medjugorje - Nuovo anni 2007 Medjugorje

30 desembre de 2007 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Medjugorje Pilgrimages, Music with pictures / Author: Arturando
Medjugorje 2007  
25 desembre de 2007 /  Section: Our Lady of Medjugorje Messages - Category: Monthly Messages
Estimats fills, amb una gran joia us porto el Rei de la pau, perquè Ell us beneeixi amb la seva benedicció. Adoreulo i doneu temps al Creador vers el qual aspira el vostre cor. No oblideu que sou pelegrins en aquesta terra i que les coses us poden donar petites alegries, mentre que, a través del meu Fill, se us dóna l’alegria eterna. Per això estic entre vosaltres per conduir-vos vers allò que desitja el vostre cor. Gràcies per haver respost a la meva crida.
22 desembre de 2007 , Last update 24 desembre de 2007 /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Other / Author: Marek Gayer
Merry Christmas Happy New Year 2008

I wish you to have a beautiful and holy Christmas, the time in which your hearts would be renewed with love, joy and peace. I wish you this Christmas as well as the New Year 2008 would be a time of your dedication to God's love, God's will and prayer, resulting in continuous joyful awareness of the presense of the God and love in your hearts.

Note: On The Christmas Eve (i.e. 12/24/2007 from 0:00 Central European Time), you will find presents for you on this website.

24 desembre de 2007 /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Free downloads[EN], news / Author: Marek Gayer
Medjugorje Wallpapers

Wallpapers are produced for your computer desktop in the following resolutions:

  • 800x600
  • 1024x768
  • 1200x800 (for wide screens).

For larger desktops, wallpapers can be resized by choosing Position as "Expanded" in your display settings, tab Desktop. Before downloading .zip file containing the wallpapers in all the resolutions, you can click thumbnail to see a preview of the wallpaper.

19 desembre de 2007 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Medjugorje Pilgrimages, Music with pictures
Medjugorje Music

A piece of the beautiful music played in St. James's Church, Medjugorje every day. Author of the video, Maureen Derry added some pictures that she took with her little Olympus digital camera while she was there.

15 desembre de 2007 /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Reflections / Author: Sr. Emmanuel
Other languages: English, Français, Italiano
Ticket Heaven

Most people are afraid when they think about their own death, or the death of those who are close to them. In reality, the Gospa tells us, "Death does not exist"! It is simply a veil that falls, like the curtain of the temple of Jerusalem that was torn in the middle, revealing what was already there, hidden in the invisible, the Holy of Holies!

15 desembre de 2007 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Documentary / Author: Jeff Pettit
Message Medugorje

What has Our Lady been saying for the past 25 years in Medjugorje Herzegovina? Have you discovered God's Love? Learn to surrender to God's Love.

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