Medjugorje Website Updates

2 setembre de 2008 /  Section: Our Lady of Medjugorje Messages - Category: Mirjana
Estimats fills, avui, reunits al voltant meu, us invito amb cor matern, a l’amor vers el proïsme. Fills meus, atureu-vos. Mireu als ulls del vostre germà Jesús, Fill meu. Si hi veieu la joia, alegreu-vos amb Ell. Si hi ha dolor en els ulls del vostre germà allunyeuli amb la vostra benvolença i bondat perquè sense amor esteu perduts. L’amor és l’únic eficaç, fa miracles. L’amor us donarà la unió amb el meu Fill i el triomf del meu Cor. Per això, fillets meus, estimeu.
Una vegada més ha invitat a la pregària per als nostres pastors.
30 agost de 2008 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Paddy Kelly, Song lyrics included / Author: Zimra
John Paul Mary performing at Medjugorje
30 agost de 2008 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Paddy Kelly, Testimonies, Festival Mladifest
John Paul Mary at Medjugorje

Brother John Paul Mary (Paddy Kelly) member of the famous Irish music group The Kelly Family was on Monday, August 4 in Medjugorje for the first time on the Mladifest (Festival of Youth in Medjugorje) since its entering the monastery of the community of the Saint John in France as a monk. He was standing there before a large crowd telling about his life with God.

30 agost de 2008 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Paddy Kelly, Paddy Kelly, Song lyrics included
John Paul Mary at Medjugorje
20 juliol de 2008 , Last update 30 agost de 2008 /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Free downloads[EN]
Songs David Burke

On the website, David Burke offers freely in mp3 format his music composition of Hail Mary (including sheet music).

On the website, you can also find a beautiful and touching song We want to see the world, in mp3 format or provided as a video presentation with the song playing on background. Music sheet and lyrics are also available. One can also find a link for free songs and other informations related to musical Wonders of His Love.

Update: there is now also available a new nice song His Light Upon My Rosary

25 agost de 2008 /  Section: Our Lady of Medjugorje Messages - Category: Monthly Messages
Estimats fills, avui també us invito a la conversió personal. Convertiu-vos doncs, i amb la vostra vida, doneu testimoni, estimeu, perdoneu i porteu la joia del Ressuscitat en aquest món on ha mort el meu Fill i on els homes no senten la necessitat de buscar-lo i descobrir-lo en la pròpia vida. Adoreu-lo, i que la vostra esperança sigui esperança per als cors que no tenen Jesús. Gràcies per haver respost a la meva crida.
24 agost de 2008 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Spirituality, Charity
Mother Theresa

Externally you see just bread, but it is Jesus, externally you see just the poor person, but it is Jesus, difficult to explain it is a mystery of love. It is one of thinks that human mind cannot reach, but you have to bend, it is him we receive and . Our Love of christ is in action is serve him and poor.

24 agost de 2008 /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Medjugorje News, Festival Mladifest
Other languages: English, Čeština, Deutsch, Hrvatski, Italiano
Medjugorje Mladifest Festival 2008

From August 1 to 6 took place in Medjugorje the 19th International Youth Prayer Meeting under the title, “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my witnesses” (Acts 1:8).

The program began on Friday, August 1st at 6 PM with the prayer of the Rosary in different languages. Fr. Petar Vlasic, the Pastor, opened the Festival with an introductory word, after which young people from 60 countries welcomed their compatriots to Medjugorje in their own languages. Holy Mass was presided by Fr. Ivan Sesar, the Franciscan Provincial of Herzegovina, in concelebration with more then 300 priests.

24 agost de 2008 , Originally published 26 febrer de 2008 /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Other / Author: Don Sebastian
People Solar Image Mary Lose Sight

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: At least 50 people in Kottayam district have reportedly lost their vision after gazing at the sun looking for an image of Virgin Mary.

Though alarmed health authorities have installed a signboard to counter the rumour that a solar image of Virgin Mary appeared to the believers, curious onlookers, including foreign travellers, have been thronging the venue of the ‘miracle’.

16 agost de 2008 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Testimonies, Interviews
Donald Callaway

Note: The book that Don Calloway speaks about is: "The Queen of Peace Visits Medjugorje", about the apparition site Medjugorje in Bosnia-Hercegovina, by Father Joseph A. Pelletier

16 agost de 2008 , Originally published 16 febrer de 2004 /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Testimonies
Donald Calloway Book Mary

"In 1992 my life changed dramatically," says Father Donald Calloway. "I had a profound conversion experience after reaching rock bottom."

Rock bottom indeed! Now a 31-year-old priest who serves as assistant rector at the National Shrine of the Divine Mercy in Stockbridge, Massachusetts, Father Calloway had been a runaway youngster who was immersed in everything from drug abuse to theft.

16 agost de 2008 /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Visionaries, Jakov Colo
Jakov Talks Pilgrims

Jakov is going to share with us the most important that is about our Lady’s apparitions: And what is the most important, the messages on which Our Lady is calling us here? Apparitions are continuing, are lasting already nearly 25 years. Many people have come here to Medjugorje, they ask themselves, why apparitions are lasting so long ? Why Our Lady has been giving us so many messages? Many people say the messages are many times the same. I always say to everybody, instead of why, we should say thank you. Thanks to God for graces which he gave to us. Thanks to God because he allows Our Lady to be here for 25 years.

10 agost de 2008 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Visionaries, Testimonies
Vicka Testimony 2008

Testimony of Vicka in Medjugorje

10 agost de 2008 /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Reflections
Suffering Timothy Deeter

The following homily was delivered Sunday, June 15, at St. James Church in Medjugorje by Fr. Timothy Deeter.

Last night, I finished another book for my spiritual reading. I’m constantly amazed at how God directs me to read spiritual works that have important lessons for my own life at the time I’m reading them. The book I just finished is entitled Testimony of Hope and it’s by Archbishop—later Cardinal—Francis Xavier Nguyen Van Thuan. In 1975, only a few months after his appointment as archbishop of Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon), he was imprisoned by the Vietnamese government for 13 years. Then he was placed under house arrest for three more years, before finally being expelled from Vietnam. Archbishop Van Thuan went to Rome to work in the Vatican, and in the Jubilee Year 2000, Pope John Paul II asked him to preach the annual Lenten retreat for himself and the heads of various Vatican departments. The retreat was so successful that the Pope asked the Archbishop to publish the text of his reflections.

7 agost de 2008 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Medjugorje Apparitions / Author: Vittorio, Bologna
Apparition Mirjana August 2008

An apparition of Our Lady for Mirjana, 2. August 2008

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For God to live in your hearts, you must love.
