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Všetky stránky - Medjugorje WebSite

Všetky stránky

10. august 2010 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Kategória: Music with pictures, Festival Mladifest
Holy Communion Youth Festival Mladifest Medjugorje 2010
9. august 2010 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Kategória: Festival Mladifest
Presentation Cenacolo Medjugorje International Youth Festival 2010

Presentation of the community Cenacolo on the International Youth Festival Medjugorje 2010

8. august 2010 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Kategória: Music with pictures, Festival Mladifest
Beginning Festival Of Youth Medjugorje 2010

Beginning of Festival of Youth in Medjugorje, songs, Mass and adoration.

Inizio del Festival dei Giovani a Medjugorje, canti, Messa e adorazione.

8. august 2010 /  Section: Články a aktuality[EN] - Kategória: Novinky z Medžugoria, Festival Mladifest
Other languages: English, Čeština, Deutsch, Français, Hrvatski, Italiano
Youth Festival Medjugorje 2010

The 21st International Youth Festival with the main theme: “Good Master, what shall I do to inherit the eternal life” began in Medjugorje on August 1st with the evening Holy Mass and finished on August 6th, Feast of Transfiguration with the Holy Mass at 5 a.m. on the top of the Cross Mountain.

8. august 2010 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Kategória: Medjugorje Apparitions, Wide screen
Apparition Mirjana August 2010

An apparition of Our Lady of Medjugorje for Mirjana, 2. August 2010

8. august 2010 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Kategória: Medjugorje Messages, Wide screen / Autor: The Gospa Messages
Mirjana August 2010 Message

Photo and music accompanying the message of Our Lady of Medjugorje for Mirjana, 2. August 2010

7. august 2010 /  Section: Picture & Photo Galleries - Kategória: Medjugorje Photos - Pictures Gallery, Youth Festival 'Mladifest', Medjugorje

Photos from the Medjugorje Festival during 1. - 6. August, 2010.

7. august 2010 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Kategória: Documentary
Medjugorje 20 Anos

Vídeo comemorativo para os 20 anos da Virgem Maria em Medjugorje

2. august 2010 /  Section: Posolstvá z Medžugoria - Kategória: Mirjana
"Drahé deti! Dnes vás pozývam, aby ste vo svojich srdciach spoločne so mnou začali budovať nebeské Kráľovstvo, aby ste zabudli na to, čo je osobné a vedení príkladom môjho Syna mysleli na to, čo je Božie. Čo chce od vás On? Nedovoľte satanovi, aby vám otváral cesty pozemského šťastia; cesty, na ktorých nie je môj Syn. Deti moje, sú falošné a trvajú krátko. Môj Syn je. Ponúkam vám večné šťastie a pokoj, jednotu s mojím Synom, s Bohom. Ponúkam vám Božie Kráľovstvo. Ďakujem vám. "
1. august 2010 /  Section: Články a aktuality[EN] - Kategória: Novinky z Medžugoria, Festival Mladifest
Other languages: English, Deutsch, Français, Hrvatski, Italiano, Polski
Media Transmission 21 Youth Festival

You can follow 21st Youth Festival, both just audio transmittance or video through our TV or Web cameras, through Internet radio and directly through following radio stations:

Radiopostaja Mir Međugorje,
Radio  Maria Austrija,
Radio Maria Južni Tirol,
Radio Maria Srbija (Subotica),

or through Internet pages and links both live audio and video in various languages:

1. august 2010 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Kategória: Medjugorje Messages, Wide screen
Medjugorje Message July 2010

Our Lady's monthly message given to Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti on July 25, 2010

1. august 2010 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Kategória: Documentary, Italian only
Medjugorje Trasmissione Santi Se Non Solo Canale Italia

Canale Italia trasmissione su Medjugorje del 31 luglio

31. júl 2010 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Kategória: Documentary, Italian only
Vita Che Rinasce Nuovi Orizzonti

Format televisivo su Telepace. con Don Davide Banzato, Silvia Piasentini, Chiara Amirante, Fabio Salvatore in studio (estratto)

25. júl 2010 /  Section: Posolstvá z Medžugoria - Kategória: Mesačné posolstvá
"Drahé deti! Znovu vás pozývam – nasledujte ma s radosťou. Všetkých vás chcem viesť k môjmu Synovi a vášmu Spasiteľovi. Neuvedomujete si, že bez neho nemáte radosť a pokoj, a ani budúcnosť ani večný život. Preto milé deti, využite tento čas radostnej modlitby a odovzdania. Ďakujem vám, že ste prijali moje pozvanie. "
25. júl 2010 /  Section: Články a aktuality[EN] - Kategória: Duchovný život
Fr. Murchadh O Madagain

"... A few weeks later I met a friend of mine called Aidan, who told me about a mutual friend of ours called Louise who had been to Medjugorje and had rediscovered her faith, or as Aidan put it: ‘she has become all religious and holy.’ I was intrigued, because Louise was my own age and from a similar background. So I called around to her and asked her about it. I remember she talked for about an hour and a half about what had happened. At the end of the conversation she invited me to come to a prayer meeting here in Galway. Now I wasn’t that keen to go to a prayer meeting. I thought I was much too cool for such things. But Louise was smart enough to know that and she asked another girl whom I fancied, to ask me. Naturally I went! Both of those girls are now married and I’m a priest!"

Aby Boh žil vo vašich srdciach, musíte milovať.
