Všetky stránky

25. júl 2008 /  Section: Posolstvá z Medžugoria - Kategória: Mesačné posolstvá
"Drahé deti! V tomto čase, keď myslíte na telesný odpočinok, ja vás pozývam na obrátenie. Modlite sa a pracujte tak, aby vaše srdce túžilo po Bohu Stvoriteľovi, ktorý je skutočný odpočinok vašich duší a vašich tiel. Nech vám on zjaví svoju tvár a nech vám dá svoj pokoj. Som s vami a prihováram sa pred Bohom za každého z vás. Ďakujem vám, že ste prijali moje pozvanie. "
13. júl 2008 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Kategória: Medjugorje Pilgrimages, Music with pictures
Medjugorje Voice Peace

Beautiful Music Video capturing the Spirit of Medugorje. The sound track Medjugorje-'The Voice of Peace' is used on a TV Documentary on Medugorje called MEDUGORJE COME AND SEE.

4. jún 2008 , Last update 13. júl 2008 /  Section: Články a aktuality[EN] - Kategória: Novinky z Medžugoria, Festival Mladifest
Other languages: English, Čeština
International Youth Festival Mladifest 2008

The 19th International Youth Festival - Mladifest 19 – will take place in Medjugorje from August 1st to August 6th, 2008. The theme of the encounter is, “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my witnesses” (Acts 1:8) (“In silence may the Holy Spirit speak to you and permit Him to convert and change you.” - Message of July 25, 2006)

6. júl 2008 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Kategória: Song lyrics included, Music with pictures
Doris Dragovic Medugorje

Song "Medugorje" of Croatian singer Doris Dragovic, including lyrics in Croatian and English language.

2. júl 2008 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Kategória: Testimonies
Maria Vallejo Nagera

The Spanish famous author Maria Vallejo-Nagera speaks about her conversion at Medjugorje.

2. júl 2008 /  Section: Články a aktuality[EN] - Kategória: Medjugorje in the Church / Autor: Mark Miravalle
Medjugorje Real

The reported apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Bosnia-Herzegovina (former Yugoslavia) have attracted the attention of the world and approximately 30 million pilgrims. Since June 24, 1981, six children began to report daily visits from the "Queen of Peace" and several of the "visionaries" continue to report receiving a daily apparition from the Mother of Jesus over 25 years later.

Is Medjugorje real? Are these authentic apparitions of the Virgin Mary? What is the official position of the Catholic Church about their authenticity? Could these simply be the fraudulent deception of hysteric children (now adults) for reasons of attention and personal gain?

2. júl 2008 /  Section: Posolstvá z Medžugoria - Kategória: Mirjana
"Drahé deti! Materinskou láskou vás chcem povzbudiť k láske voči blížnemu. Nech je môj Syn prameňom tejto lásky. On, ktorý mohol všetko urobiť silou, si vybral cestu lásky a dal vám príklad. Aj dnes vám Boh skrze mňa prejavuje nesmiernu dobrotu a vy, moje drahé deti, ste povinní na ňu odpovedať. S tou istou dobrotou a veľkodušnosťou zaobchádzajte s dušami, ktoré stretáte. Nech ich vaša láska obracia. Týmto spôsobom môj Syn a Jeho láska vstane zmŕtvych vo vás. Ďakujem vám. "
Panna Mária dodala: „Nech sú vaši pastieri vo vašich srdciach a modlitbách.“
29. jún 2008 /  Section: Články a aktuality[EN] - Kategória: Novinky z Medžugoria
Other languages: English, Čeština, Deutsch, Hrvatski, Italiano
27th Anniversary Our Lady Apparitions

The 27th Anniversary of Our Lady’s apparitions in Medjugorje was solemnly celebrated in the spirit of gratitude for all the graces received.

29. jún 2008 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Kategória: Medjugorje Pilgrimages
Peace March Past

This video contains scenes of one of past peace march procession led by Fr. Slavko in ninetees, as well with scenes of damage caused by war in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

29. jún 2008 /  Section: Články a aktuality[EN] - Kategória: Vizionári, Vicka Ivankovic-Mijatovic
Other languages: English, Magyar
Vicka Testimony

This was given in May 2007, on the steps of the blue house where Vicka frequently gives her testimony to groups of pilgrims in Medjugorje. I regret I do not know the name of the guide who provided the translation. Vicka spoke in Italian and this was then translated into English. The guide began by introducing Vicka. Throughout this entire testimony, Vicka smiled, waved and blew kisses at everyone.

29. jún 2008 /  Section: Články a aktuality[EN] - Kategória: Modlitby
Other languages: English, Deutsch, Hrvatski, Italiano
Novena Queen Peace Lebanon

For the 8th consecutive year, with the blessing of the Maronite Patriarch, from 16th to 25th of June every year “Friends of Mary Queen of Peace” association is organizing the prayer novena “Praying with Mary for Lebanon” which is a 24/24 hours novena of praying the rosary, fasting (nine days or one day according to a personal choice) and adoration of The Blessed Sacrament. Each year it is taking place in another region of Lebanon and in the churches designated by local bishops.

29. jún 2008 /  Section: Picture & Photo Galleries - Kategória: Medjugorje Photos - Pictures Gallery / Autor: Marek Gayer

Photos of one of the Medjugorje visionaries, Vicka Ivankovic-Mijatovic during her short discourse to pilgrims before the house of her parents.

18. jún 2008 /  Section: Články a aktuality[EN] - Kategória: Vizionári, Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo
Mirjana Discourse

In her talk to us, Mirjana began by recounting the early days of the apparitions. She did this primarily for those who had never been to Medjugorje before. Any words in italics are mine. The first part of the overview is presented here. Mirjana's words were translated by Miki Musa and therefore are not always grammatically correct but you will get the idea.

9. jún 2008 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Kategória: Song lyrics included, Spirituality
Jesus Lover Soul Darlene Zschech

A beautiful song Jesus Lover of My Soul by Darlene Zschech with music video and lyrics.

7. jún 2008 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Kategória: Medjugorje Apparitions / Autor: Vittorio, Bologna
Mirjana June 2008

An apparition of Our Lady for Mirjana, 2. June 2008

Aby Boh žil vo vašich srdciach, musíte milovať.
